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Friday, October 31, 2008

Questions Anyone Should Ask Their Prospective Cosmetic Surgeon

By Elisa Cruz

It seems rather incredible now, but not too long ago, when a person was very dissatisfied with his or her personal appearance, nothing could be done about it. They just had to accept it. However, thanks to medical technology, now people have far more options.

This is where a cosmetic surgeon comes in. In order to facilitate the plastic surgery that will be needed to change, for example, the facial structure of a person, it only makes sense that a person will need to choose the best cosmetic surgeon they can find.

In order to make sure that, during a consultation, the cosmetic surgeon they are considering is indeed the best person for the procedure that they want, it is very important to make sure that they ask questions. The first question they should ask is in regard to the amount of medical training that the surgeon has had. The correct answer? At least five years.

Another very important thing to ask about is the portfolio of the cosmetic surgeon. In this portfolio, there should be many impressive before and after photos, as well as verifiable written testimonials from patients. Obviously, the more testimonials, the better. Once this has been established, the next step is to ask about the procedure itself, how long it will take to recover, and what can be done to make sure the patient gets the best results possible. Bring a list of questions you want answered, so that you can make sure you don't forget anything!

More information on male breast reduction and a cosmetic surgeon in your area is just a click away.

How Much Pain Will I Have After My Body Contouring Surgery?

By Dr Barry Eppley

One of the frequent questions patients ask much pain will I have after my body contouring surgery? How much and how long will I hurt? What can I take for the pain? These are, understandably, on the top of many patients concerns.

While most surgeries involve pain, and body contouring surgery is no exception, it is often less than you think and very tolerable for most patients. I frequently hear patients say...'that was much less painful than I thought'. Why is that? There are several reasons. First, really significant surgical pain comes from muscle or bone surgery or entering the body's cavities, such as the abdomen. Body contouring surgery involves none of that. The removing of skin and fat, while dramatic and often in large pieces, does not involve tissues that have as much pain as structures that lie deeper. Secondly, skin that is cut and moved often goes numb as the tiny nerves that supply feeling to the skin are cut in the process. As a result, the skin nearest the incision line loses feeling for a period of time. As you move further away from the incision, one starts to have feeling again.

Some body contouring procedures cause more pain than others. The most uncomfortable would be those that involve surgery around the abdomen such as the tummy tuck or body lift. Because the long incisions are around an area that moves and twists, common and frequent movements such as getting out of bed or a chair, can be uncomfortable for a while. Other procedures such as arm lifts or breasts lifts cause virtually no pain at all. The discomfort from a thigh lift is somewhere between the tummy tuck and the arm lift.

Beyond the recovery room after your surgery, pain medications by mouth should suffice. I mainly prescribe oral narcotics such as Percocet or Vicodin. Depending upon the procedure(s), narcotic pain medications are usually taken for a week or so after surgery. Thereafter, the use of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Motrin, Advil or Aleve can help one wean themselves off of narcotics. It would not be rare to have to take something, particularly at nighttime for up to a month after the surgery.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What is a Cosmetic Dermatologist?

By Violet Williams

Dermatology is the study of skin and its appendages as well as medicine involved in the care of skin and its appendages. Dermatology is one of the largest fields of medicine because the skin is the largest and most visible organ on the human body. Doctors that specialize in dermatology are also educated in surgery and immunology because some skin problems can originate from within the body.

A cosmetic dermatologist is a dermatologist that specializes in surgery to improve the look and the feel of a person's skin with different cosmetic procedures. These doctors are also responsible for facial rejuvenation and skin rejuvenation. Another list of procedures that these doctors perform is:

• Botox

• Stretch mark treatment

• Tattoo removal

• Smartlipo

• Acne treatments

• Laser hair removal

• Laser skin resurfacing

• Juvederm

• Lip augmentation

• Laser spider vein treatment

Cosmetic dermatologists can perform all of the above procedures and more for their patients after a consultation appointment. Dermatology uses topical gels, ointments, prescribed medicine in the form of pills and liquids as well as lasers and other treatments to fix skin problems anywhere on the skin.

Finding a cosmetic dermatologist is easy. Look in your local Yellow Pages for phone numbers and set up a consultation appointment to meet and interview each doctor. Once you have found one that suits your fancy tell he or she what procedure you would like to have done and figure out how much it will cost and how long the procedure will take. It is also a great idea to learn more about the specific details of the procedure you had in mind.

More information on Mesotherapy and a cosmetic dermatologist in your area is just a click away.

Things That a Cosmetic Dermatologist Can Easily Treat

By Violet Williams

Were you aware of the fact that skin is, within itself, an organ? It is a very important part of the human anatomy, and without it, no one could survive. It shields the internal organs from the elements, and thus is a very important for of protection.

Unfortunately, many people take skin for granted, and the result is damage that needs to be fixed by a cosmetic dermatologist. In order to become a cosmetic dermatologist in the first place, the person must be vigorously trained in medical school regarding all of the subcategories in this expansive field.

One of the most popular things that people seek out a cosmetic dermatologist for is the removal of wrinkles. Some people simply cannot accept the fact that their skin is starting to show its age. Or perhaps the skin became prematurely wrinkled because of too much exposure to the sun.

No matter what the situation, many people seek out cosmetic injections like Botox. Botox is known for providing immediate results, so much so that people have been known to have it done while on a lunch hour from work. However, for more long-lasting results, people might seek out restylane injections.

A cosmetic dermatologist can also help with hair removal. In order for a person to be permanently hair-free in the chosen area of their body, it is very important that the follicle itself be destroyed. For this, the necessary procedure is laser therapy. Thus, this kind of dermatologist is not only helpful, but versatile.

More information on mesotherapy and a cosmetic dermatologist in your area is just a click away.

Finding the Right Cosmetic Surgeon

By Violet Williams

Cosmetic surgery has become a more and more popular procedure over the years and it can be difficult to find the perfect doctor to perform you desired procedure. Plastic and cosmetic surgery comes in all different forms. It can be a simple, small procedure to change the look of someone's nose or eyelids or it can be as large as repairing a part of the body that is damaged in an accident.

Finding the right cosmetic surgeon can be a difficult and drawn out process. You don't want just anyone performing surgery on your body. They need to be the perfect doctor for the procedure that you want to have done. If not, the procedure might not be completed to your liking. Some of the procedures are liposuction, eyelid repair, Botox, tummy tuck and breast augmentation or breast reduction.

Finding the right cosmetic surgeon is like finding any other doctor. The first place to start is the local Yellow Pages. Once you find a couple of doctors call them and make a consultation appointment to interview them. If one of the doctors strikes your fancy, become one of his or her patients and explain what procedure you would like to have done.

A good cosmetic surgeon can mean the difference between having the right procedure performed correctly the first time and not having to have any extra work done a second or third time. This can mean the difference between a couple thousand dollars for a procedure or a hundred thousand dollars to have the procedure done again because it wasn't done right the first time.

More information on tummy tuck and a cosmetic surgeon in your area is just a click away.

Considering Cosmetic Plastic Surgery?

By Violet Williams

So much pressure has been placed on the appearance of people worldwide today that people are considering having certain procedures done to improve the look of their face, their legs, their buttocks, their breast, their arms and other parts of their body such as the nose, ears, eyes, lips and cheeks. These procedures are not inexpensive but are worth the money if you are looking to improve the appearance of your body. Changing the appearance of your body could help to change your confidence as well.

Cosmetic plastic surgery is a procedure used to reshape normal structures of the body such as a breast augmentation, a tummy tuck or liposuction. These procedures are usually elective; which means that the patient elects to have one or more of them done because they wish to change the appearance of that area of their body.

Cosmetic plastic surgery can also take place to repair eyelids, facial problems, skin problems and weight problems. A face lift attempts to return radiance to the face by restructuring certain areas of the face. A tummy tuck is a common procedure that tightens and strengthens loss skin and muscles around the abdomen area. It is also known as an abdominoplasty. The procedure will also remove any excess skin from the area.

Another common procedure in the cosmetic plastic surgery field is breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement. Breast enlargement does exactly what is says; enlarges the size of the breasts of women. The augmentation is done with implants, which are saline filled plastic bags, and are inserted into the existing breast via surgery.

Liposuction falls into this topic as well. Liposuction is the process of removing unwanted, excess fat, from different areas of the body. It is usually performed on the abdominal area, the thighs and the buttocks. Usually this procedure is done for patients who have tried and tried to lose weight by dieting and exercising and they are not getting the results that they want. Other areas of the body that can be treated with a liposuction procedure are the arms, the chin, the neck and the back. Candidates for a liposuction procedure are people that are of average weight, have elastic skin that is firm and have pockets of unwanted fat.

Other forms of cosmetic plastic surgery are laser skin resurfacing, Botox injections, chemical peels, a breast reduction and eyelid surgery. All of these procedures can cost anywhere from $4,000-$10,000 or more but help to reshape the body and increase the amount of confidence a person has regarding their appearance.

Before jumping into getting a procedure done make sure you do enough research on the specific procedure and ask all the questions that are perplexing you before you decide to go ahead and have that procedure done. Finding the perfect doctor can make the process easier. Begin your search for a doctor in your local area and then make a decision. Always schedule an initial consultation to meet the doctor and find out what his or her plan of attack would be.

More information on cosmetic plastic surgery and liposuction is just a click away.

Changing the Shape of a Torso With a Tummy Tuck

By Violet Williams

Obesity is something that millions of women around the world suffer with. Since women tend to store weight in their midsection, they often try to exercise, or wear clothing that covers that problematic area. Sometimes a flabby stomach is not because of fat, but rather because there is a lack of muscle tone.

Whatever the source of a woman's less-than-perfect midsection, many women decide to make an improvement in their appearance by getting a tummy tuck. This procedure involves getting rid of the excess amount of fat that has collected at the torso, and also tightening the muscles. While men can also have this procedure done, it is most often done on women.

Who is the ideal candidate for a tummy tuck, anyway? First of all, the patient should be within five to ten pounds of their goal weight. Thus, a woman who is in shape overall, but has a noticeably saggy midsection would benefit the most from a tummy tuck. It is important to note that many women end up with skin folds or things of that nature because of multiple pregnancies.

The thing that entices many people to have a tummy tuck is the fact that the results can be permanent. Some people, try as they might by doing lots of crunches, simply cannot get the flat stomach that they want. What they need is a little something to entice them to stay on the path of fitness, and this procedure does that. Additionally, they will have the added benefit of knowing that they will be helping to maintain the results.

More information on a tummy tuck and a plastic surgery clinic in your area is just a click away.

SmartLipo - New Age Liposuction

By Spero Theodorou

SmartLipo is the new age liposuction: liposuction with fewer side effects and less recovery time than the conventional liposuction, and which requires a really minute incision. The procedure is best for individuals who have not responded to workouts and diet control therapies.

Besides being FDA approved, this liposuction procedure has the distinction of being the first to be laser assisted. SmartLipo promises successful fat removal, body toning and skin tightening for people of different body types. Body areas that can be treated by this process include the chin, hips, upper arms, male breasts, knees, face, arms, abdomen, back and neck.

The Procedure

The physician introduces a tiny tube (cannula) in which a laser fiber of low energy is contained, straight into the targeted fat deposit. The tube, with a diameter between 1 and 2mm is passed into a minute skin incision. The minuteness of the incision means that no sutures are required to close it once the procedure is over. Through back and forth movement of the cannula, the energy of the laser reaches the fat cells making them rupture and effortlessly drain away, while the surrounding tissue is unaffected. The laser keeps bleeding, bruising and swelling to a minimum as it causes immediate coagulation of little blood vessels on contact.

Is SmartLipo For You?

You could be a suitable candidate for SmartLipo if you:

• Are healthy

• Do regular exercise

• Have local body fat deposits that refuse to leave despite consistent physical exercise and weight watching

The Downside

One downside of SmartLipo is that is intended to do away with only a small amount of fat (around 8 pounds). Another reason to reconsider SmartLipo treatment would be the high cost. SmartLipo, being a cosmetic technique, is not covered by insurance.


The downsides regarding a SmartLipo session are few in comparison to the benefits. There are several instances of people who have had the procedure done and impressed by the results, have requested treatment of other areas.

Dr. Spero Theodorou runs Park Avenue SmartLipo, the only SmartLipo training facility in New York City. Doctor Spero Theodorou is an experienced and talented plastic surgeon based on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City and provides laser liposuction services for both men and women. He offers safe and efficacious Smart Lipo treatments at his AAASF (American Association Ambulatory Surgical Facilities) accredited center.

Short-Scar Facelift

By Spero Theodorou

Short-scar facelift is one of the most recent developments in facial aesthetic surgery, invented and popularized by Dr Daniel Baker - one of the leading plastic surgeons in New York City. Short-scar facelift is a highly effective technique that brings amazing, and very positive aesthetic results with minimal scarring that is nearly invisible. It is also known by different names such as s-lift, mini-lift, baby boomer facelift or limited-incision facelift.

The operation involves the repositioning of the muscles and tissue under the skin to bring about the facelift. In this procedure the skin is separated from the underlying SMAS, thus allowing customization for every patient according to their skin quality and overall facial laxity. When compared to a traditional facelift, the short-scar facelift involves lesser bruising and swelling.

The short-scar facelift is particularly suitable for younger patients in their forties and fifties. For older patients, this procedure works to correct the signs of aging, whereas for younger ones, this is an effective solution for maintaining a naturally youthful appearance. The procedure itself takes approximately 1 ½ to 2 hours and can be performed under local anesthesia. Recovery period for the short-scar facelift is anywhere between 10 days to two weeks.

Patients undergoing short-scar facelift surgery have advantages such as:

• Minimal scarring

• Minimal tissue trauma

• Natural results that last anywhere from 8 to 10 years

Though this procedure has many advantages, it is not free from disadvantages.

• A skilled and qualified plastic surgeon is required to carry out this procedure due to the limited approach and visibility

• Harder to perform when compared to the traditional surgery

• Similar complications as in traditional facelift including hematoma, infection, and poor wound healing (especially with smokers and diabetics) might occur

• Not a common solution for all patients, since these operations have to be custom-tailored to a particular patient's requirements

The results of a short-scar facelift can be amazing, endowing patients with a more youthful appearance for many years to come.

Dr. Spero Theodorou is an experienced and talented plastic surgeon based on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City. Doctor Spero Theodorou specializes in short scar facelifts and other plastic surgery procedures and all areas of body and facial enhancements.

5 Steps Preparing You For A Cosmetic Surgery Facelift Consultation

By Sarah Pauer

You thought you could get away with just choosing a plastic surgeon that seems competent enough, did you? Well that's not all what's going to happen before you're actually under the knife! One of the more important steps is your first consultation with the surgeon you have chosen. This is where you will agree on exactly what procedure is to be performed and to what extent. Your physical and mental status will also be evaluated, so be sure to prepare yourself and think it through. Does this sound complicated? Not at all, read this small guide and you will be prepared enough!

What are your expectations?

You are planning to undergo quite a change. But what are your expectations? Together with your surgeon you will agree on what kind of changes are to be done; which wrinkles to flatten out. Look yourself in a mirror and try to agree with yourself to begin with.

Why do you want a cosmetic surgery facelift?

Committing to surgery is always a big decision, and your surgeon surely will ask you exactly this question! Is it because you want some of your youthful looks back or is part of your face just annoying you? Have you come to this decision yourself or maybe your partner has teased you about a few wrinkles?

What is your physical status?

Surgery always equals a small risk of unwanted complications. And there are several important factors to consider out of this aspect. Are you taking any prescribed drugs or using any alternative or herbal medicine? Do you have any allergies or have you ever suffered from an anaphylactic shock? Do you smoke or use drugs? These and many other factors are very important when deciding upon your type of anesthesia to minimize risks, so leave out nothing!

Your surgeon will thoroughly inspect your skin status

Don't be put off when your cosmetic facelift surgeon starts pinching your cheeks and inspects your hairline. It is essential for him or her to know the status of your skin to best decide upon what methods to use. Therefore he might for example measure your face, take photographs and inspect elasticity and texture of your skin.

Have you thought upon possible additional changes?

Just as three candy bars come at the price of two at the local market, you can make more than just a buck if performing several surgical procedures at once. Additional procedures may even enhance the result in a way where one plus one equals three. Therefore cosmetic surgery facelifts are often combined with eyelid surgery, nose reshaping, forehead lift or skin treatments to mention a few choices.

So in total rather simple when dividing it into digestible parts, wasn't it? Just do not wave these points away, but instead focus and think them through. This way your surgeon will see that you have given the whole idea of surgery some serious thought and consider you as a stable person. Additionally you will also have had a good opportunity to really make sure you have decided yourself!

Working as a medical professional Sarah Pauer has years of experience of the field. She is also a part time writer for The Cosmetic Surgery Face lift Guide. Read more on cosmetic surgery facelifts.

Want to Carve Years Off of Your Face? What Are the Benefits and Dangers of Face Lifts?

By Patricia Wagner

Are you unhappy about what your mirror tells you? Does it show you wrinkles and sagging flesh that used to be so youthful?

You probably know that if you choose a skillful plastic surgeon, he or she can probably remove 10 or 15 years off of your appearance!

What could that mean to you?

Many people regret the passage of time and the wrinkles and sagging skin that naturally occurs. Wanting to look younger, they may look into having cosmetic surgery. A face lift can't stop the aging process, but this surgical procedure will probably make you look younger. That's because in this type of surgery muscles are tightened and excess fat is removed resulting in a more youthful appearance.

If you are between your 30s and 40s, you might want to select a mini face lift to tighten your facial muscles because the procedure is less invasive and recovery time is much faster than with the traditional face lift.

The traditional face lift that was popular in the 1980s with celebrities is known as the deep plane face lift. When it is successful, it can make you look up to 15 and even 20 years younger because it tightens the facial muscles so much.

If you want to have a face lift, your skin must have elasticity to it and you need strong bone structure to qualify for this surgical procedure.

However, you need to proceed with caution because there are many potential negative side effects. This cosmetic surgery has a risk factor that's serious enough to make you think twice before going under the knife. Just like any other surgery, face lift surgery has its risks that should not be ignored.

Here are some sobering side effects that could happen to you if you decide to have a face lift. They hardly ever happen, but they can still occur.

1. Some of your facial nerves could be injured resulting in lack of mobility of some facial muscles.

2. Some of your facial tissues could actually die in the process.

3. Your incisions could become infected.

4. This surgery can even kill you in a worst case scenario.

There is less risk today than years ago when face lifts first became popular, but the risks are still there.

If you wish to brave the possible side effects of a face lift, be sure to choose your surgeon wisely and follow his or her guidance as you go through this procedure.

Face lifts are more affordable now than ever, so more people are choosing to have this procedure done.

If you decide to have a face lift, be aware of the fact that you may or may not be pleased with the results because there are no guarantees. You need to ask yourself if it is worth the possible risks to look younger.

Are you wondering if a cosmetic face lift could help you look younger? Are plastic surgery risks worth it?

You Want to Get Plastic Surgery - Bringing Someone With You

By Octavio Herrera Guardiola

There is a question that many people ask : Can I get my surgery with someone else?

The answer to that question is also simple: ABSOLUTELY it should be the best thing to do, and this is because of many reasons.

First you can get more comfortable and secure if you come with someone you trust, your husband (or wife), a friend, your mother, your cousin, etc. this is because undergoing this adventure (as many doctors in the USA says), could be intimidating, but if you come with that person you can rely on it will be easier for you to take the decision and to overcome the fear of coming to a country you probably don't know or that you have heard bad things of (I will address this in a future email).

Coming with other person could be good for you because you can spend all of your recovery time with someone you know and you are used to talk and be with. This will help you get recovered faster and in a more comfortable way than talking just with nurses and doctors.

There is an additional benefit of coming with a relative or friend, and it is that you can get a better price in your surgery if you and your partner get some other procedures too. This is because you can get a bulk discount price for getting various procedures for you and your partner.

So if coming to Colombia for cosmetic surgery is cheaper than doing it in the USA, can you imagine how it can be if you get a better price? as I said in a previous e-mail: the truth is that cosmetic surgery in Colombia is about cutting down costs because we already know that quality and expertise of surgeons is as good as in the USA and the health facilities are also good as well.

Now you can see that coming with someone you know is a good decision not only for your own tranquility but for getting even better prices, so what are you waiting for? go call that friend, tell your husband (wife) to invite them to come with you and, why not, to get a procedure too. the complete information for getting cosmetic surgery in Colombia, find information in procedures, health centers, articles, etc.

There Are Options For Financing Your Cosmetic Surgery

By Octavio Herrera Guardiola

I don't need to tell you that cosmetic surgery procedures are not cheap, you already know it, you have probably done some research already, you asked your doctor, Googled it, asked other people who had surgery before, you have seen it on TV, newspapers or magazines, etc.

But there are options out there, you can ask for a personal loan with your bank, you can ask your insurance company if they have special credit programs for cosmetic surgery abroad in the case that your insurance does not cover all of the procedure expenses, and there are also some cosmetic surgery loan companies that could lend you the money you need for the surgery expenditure.

You need to take in mind that a surgery loan is different from a personal loan because there is not a physical good (collateral) that they can claim back if you stop paying your monthly bill, this is called an unsecured loan. In this case the loan companies make extra efforts in assessing your application to determine if you will be able to pay for your loan and they could take several days before approval.

There are a few basic requirements that you may use to evaluate your current standing if you're thinking of applying for a loan, especially if it's for overseas medical treatment. However, if you feel that your qualifications are insufficient to get you approved, you may request someone to act as your co-signer provided that he meets these requirements.

- Be a citizen of the U.S. and a legal resident of the state where they apply;

- Meet any age requirements for personal loans in their state;

- Have two years of established credit, with NO derogatory credit entries (credit accounts in collection, tax liens or civil judgments, delinquencies);

- Have a debt to income ratio, with the new loan, that will not exceed 50%;

- Have total unsecured debt, including the loan amount requested, less than 50% of their gross annual income; and,

- Have less than $15,000 in credit card debt.

- 2 Years consistent employment (same field of business)

- Gross Monthly income of $ 1,500.00

All of this will take also in consideration your credit score, this is calculated based on your credit history and reports. Usually any American with a Social Security number, whether a citizen or not, have three versions of credit reports. Experian, Equifax and TransUnion are the three largest American credit agencies that collect your credit information and provide your credit report or credit profile to your lenders/creditors.

There are many payment schemes being offered by finance companies. Others offer zero- interest rates if you pay within 3 months. Others can give you anywhere between 12 to 60 months to pay for your loan depending on your credit standing. Others have down payment requirements while some don't.

So you are now better informed about the financing options out there that you can use to achieve that procedure you may want. the complete information for getting cosmetic surgery in Colombia, find information in procedures, health centers, articles, etc.

What is Tummy Liposuction?

By Marissa Drake

Some people are incapable of losing weight, no matter what they do. For the majority of people this isn't a problem. By changing eating habits and working exercise time into your busy schedule, you can usually lose weight and fat. However, due to some medical conditions, such as a thyroid problem or a low metabolism, exercising to lose your tummy fat may not be as easy. In this case, tummy liposuction may be the answer for you.

Liposuction is the #1 cosmetic surgery performed in the United States. It's relatively safe, although along with any surgery, there are risks involved. Ultrasonic liposuction is extremely popular with patients, because it's a non-invasive surgery that doesn't require actual surgery. However, ultrasonic liposuction is not a great way to lose large amounts of fat. Ultrasonic liposuction delivers ultrasound energy to the tummy area, destroying fat cells in the process. No anaesthesia is required, and you won't have to miss months off work in order to recover. The downside is that it is incapable of destroying large amounts of fat cells, and the patient will either have to go in for multiple sessions, or will have to resort to more traditional liposuction surgeries.

Tummy liposuction can have a detrimental effect to your body. It's important that you choose your doctor carefully before you consider tummy liposuction, since this can greatly increase your chances of a successful surgery without side effects. It's also important to remember that price isn't everything. A low cost surgeon may be covering for the fact that they have minimal experience in the field. With some things you can look for bargains, but in the case of surgery, you should choose the most qualified surgeon available.

Tummy liposuction surgery is basically the removal of fat using a cannulae, and the smaller the cannulae, the better. If you have large deposits of fat, you may have to undergo multiple liposuction surgeries in order to get the results you want.

Possible side effects

  • Irregularities of the skin
  • Scarring
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Soreness
  • Blood clots
  • Infection
  • Allergic reaction to the anesthetic

While the above list may seem large, tummy liposuction is relatively safe. In most cases, bruising, swelling and soreness diminish and fade over several months.

Tummy liposuction isn't the answer to everything. Once you've had the surgery, you will have to regulate your diet and exercise on a regular basis in order to maintain your results.

Marisa Drake is considered an expert author in the fields of nutrition, weight loss, healthy living and plastic surgery. To learn more about detoxing your system and losing weight without the complications of liposuction surgery visit Weight Loss Body Wraps.

To learn read about real life plastic surgery experiences visit Plastic Surgery Cafe.

Cosmetic Surgery - The Facelift Explained

By James P Wilkinson

The "A" word is dreaded by all but the most grounded and mentally balanced of us and is of course something we simply cannot get away from, but is aging really all that bad when you can do something about it?

As we age, our skin loses it's elasticity through a combination of sun damage, genetic programming and many other environmental factors such as smoking (which rapidly ages skin) and weight loss.

There are some non surgical solutions that can help if damage is minimal such as chemical peels and laser treatment which help to resurface the skin. If you really want to turn back the clock though, you'll need to consider cosmetic surgery and, in particular, a facelift. Just what does this procedure involve and how can you be sure you receive only the best treatment? These are some of the questions asked by the majority of people considering going under the knife and the answer to both is simple; look for an accredited surgeon. There are 2 main associations in the UK whose members are fully qualified and experienced surgeons; BAAPS (The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) and BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons).

These Associations advise you to consult with an accredited cosmetic surgeon when thinking of undergoing any cosmetic surgery procedure who will give you all the relevant advice you need and ask you to undergo some simple health checks. You will have all risks explained to you and be asked to sign a consent form should you go ahead with the procedure.

BAPRAS describes a facelift procedure as taking place under a general anaesthetic, during which time you will have an incision made that runs through your hairline and down in front of the ears before following round and behind. This will allow the surgeon to peel away the skin from the muscles of your face and trim and tighten it, removing excess in the process.

The recovery is expected to take several weeks in full with much of the initial pain and bruising subsiding in the first few weeks. Eating may be painful at first but everything should return to normal after a few weeks and it is advisable to take a couple of weeks off work to allow for this to happen.

If you are considering cosmetic surgery make sure you search for an accredited surgeon. This will guarantee that any plastic surgery procedure you undergo such as facelift surgery runs smoothly and without incident.

Cosmetic Surgery - Rhinoplasty Explained

By James P Wilkinson

The shape of our noses is something we have little control over as it is part of our genetic programming. Some may suffer fractures which leave a lasting impression on the shape of their noses and their facial symmetry. Whatever the reason for disliking your nose there is of course something you can do about it and this is where nose surgery or Rhinoplasty (to give it its proper name) comes in.

The bone and cartilage that make up the nose can be altered in their size and shape to fix the appearance and enhance facial symmetry. This is of course something you should give careful consideration to before making a decision, but the results can be well worth the money you spend on it.

To change the surface shape of the nose the underlying bone and cartilage needs to be altered and this is usually carried out under a general anaesthetic. Small incisions are made inside the nose or sometimes in the skin beneath the nose and the Surgeon is then able to start work. The size and shape of the cartilage and bone is adjusted to create the new enhanced shape you desire and, if necessary, a small piece of bone or cartilage is taken from elsewhere in the body (usually the hips or ribs) to help build up the nose.

In the majority of cases the surgery is performed under general anaesthetic but it is also possible to be given local anaesthetic and, in some cases, sedation may be given so that the patient remains conscious during the operation. This enables the procedure to be administered as a day case so you can go home the same day.

For more extensive work you may need to stay at the hospital for 1 or 2 nights to allow monitoring of your recovery. During the consultation process you should be asked to undergo some simple health checks and pictures will be taken to allow comparison after the surgery. You will also be asked to sign a form of consent to allow the procedure to go ahead.

If you are considering nose surgery make sure you search for an accredited surgeon to ensure that this and any other cosmetic surgery procedures you consider run smoothly. BAPRAS and BAAPS are two such plastic surgery governing associations.

Cosmetic Surgery - Laser Resurfacing

By James P Wilkinson

There are many skin conditions that you can do little about and it may be necessary to seek a good cosmetic surgeon to provide a solution. Just what intermediate options are available?

One of the newest non surgical treatments, and certainly one that is proving to be effective, is laser resurfacing. The treatment is useful for treating minor skin defects such as; Pigmentation caused by aging (age spots), scarring, birthmarks, hair in undesired locations, warts, tattoos and of course the one we all worry about - wrinkles.

Due to its non surgical nature, laser resurfacing needs very little recovery time compared to the usual 2 weeks of recovery you experience with many other procedures such as heavy acid peels and minor cosmetic facial surgery.

There are still of course some conditions that need to be met before you can undergo this treatment and they are as follows; if you are a smoker you will need to ensure you do not smoke for at least one month before the procedure and will need to give up completely if you want to benefit from the laser treatment in the long term. This is because smoking robs the skin of precious moisture and weakens the elasticity by depleting collagen stores. Also smoking can worsen the appearance of thread veins and indeed cause them in the first place.

You cannot undergo the procedure if you are suffering from any serious health condition or if you suffer from severe allergies. Likewise, if you are pregnant you will not be able to undergo this procedure.

This procedure is usually applied over several sessions to ensure that the chances of any adverse reaction or scarring is minimal. The results can be striking and the procedure is definitely a good precursor to cosmetic surgery procedures such as facelift surgery or eye bag removal (blepharoplasty).

This type of non surgical procedure is a good stop gap before moving on to cosmetic surgery procedures at a later age. Once you decide to do so you should look for an accredited surgeon for your plastic surgery procedures. This is especially important when considering facelift surgery.

Cosmetic Surgery and the Lips

By James P Wilkinson

I'm sure at one point or other most of us have wondered what we would change about our appearance and in particular our faces. Some wish for a fresher more youthful look and others may want to rid themselves of under eye bags, but top of the list it seems is lip enhancement.

There have been a plethora of pictures in the tabloids of stars such as Angelina Jolie whose voluptuous lips win them many fans, but also there can be many pictures which are a testament to this kind of procedure going wrong. This is usually as a result of a reaction to the dermal filler being used and can also be a result of using inexperienced nurses/surgeons who may not carry out the procedure correctly. Take the case of Leslie Ash who suffered very publicly and was branded the woman with the trout pout after letting an inexperienced nurse inject the area above her lip with permanent dermal filler.

We all want bigger lips (unless you are one of the lucky few to be born with them) and in our quest to have that perfect look there is always the chance we may go too far. Thankfully it is now becoming more "trendy" to have the cupids bow style lips of celebrities like Gemma Atherton.

To get this kind of look much less filler is required and not so much in the top lip which has been the problem with lip enhancement procedures of the past. The result is a more sculptured and less plumped look.

Dermal fillers have become the 2nd most popular non surgical procedure after Botox and account for 40% of this market. Non surgical treatments are an ideal way of "trying out" a look before you opt for a more permanent solution and this may be quite a prudent move when it comes to making changes to your face.

You should always use a BAPRAS or BAAPS accredited surgeon to ensure your cosmetic surgery procedure runs smoothly. This is especially prudent with plastic surgery procedures such as nose surgery and facelifts.

Breast Enlargement Surgery - The Facts

By James P Wilkinson

The size of your breasts is largely predetermined due to genetic factors but can of course be affected by changes in your weight, changes in the level of your hormones, pregnancy and of course breast feeding.

There could be many reasons for considering breast enlargement surgery - Asymmetry (whereby one breast is significantly bigger than the other), you may simply feel that your breast are too small or perhaps you consider them to be out of proportion for the size and shape of your body.

Whatever the reason, breast enlargement surgery could be an option, but what does it involve, what should you look out for and what are the risks?

You should of course look for an accredited surgeon and there are 2 widely respected associations; BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons) and BAAPS (British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons). You should look for surgeons who are members of one, the other or both. This will ensure your procedure runs as smoothly as possible and the risks are reduced.

Once you have found a suitable surgeon you will be asked to attend a consultation, you should usually be asked to have blood test and possibly a Mammogram to make sure everything is ok before you go ahead with the procedure.

The procedure itself is carried out under a general anaesthetic and the implant is inserted through an incision site (you will usually be given a choice of sites) and then placed under the skin and breast tissue or a little deeper under the breast muscle. You will be a given a choice of implants and the surgeon will go through the pro's and con's of each and the same with the incision sites.

You should be aware that there are risks as with any medical procedure and these are as follows; with the general anaesthetic there are minute risks of blood clots or chest infections. With the operation itself there is the risk of bleeding, red/raised/lumpy scars, encapsulation of the breast implant which can result in hard and painful breast and a few other very minor side effects. A good cosmetic surgeon will make you fully aware of any risks, however minor, during the consultation process so you can make a fully informed decision.

If you are considering cosmetic surgery such as breast enlargement surgery, make sure you search for an accredited surgeon. This will guarantee that the breast augmentation procedure runs safely and smoothly.

The New Facelift Procedures - Surgical Vs Non-Surgical Facelift

By Gilbert W. Lee, M.D.

The Three Ways of Facial Aging

Facial aging has always been associated with the visual signs of sagging skin. For decades, the favored treatment of this sagging skin has been a facelift. When aging recurred, another facelift was done, and so on. After a second or third facelift, the individual no longer looked natural, and instead had a "tight or pulled" appearance. Over the last 10 years, there has been a general "awakening" and acknowledgment among plastic surgeons as to how aging really occurs. Aging in the face occurs in three ways: first there is a loss of fat or volume in the face; second, there is photo damage from the sun's harmful rays; and third, there develops an abundance of hanging excess skin. So what do each of these components look like? Loss of fat or volume in the face leaves a sallow, hollow or deflated appearance. Areas most commonly affected by fat loss are the tear trough (the groove that forms below the lower eyelid fat bag), the cheeks, temples, lips and upper eyelids. The second category of aging, photo damage is caused by solar radiation. The sun's radiating rays physically break the elastic fibers in the skin and damage the DNA of the skin causing cells to grow with abnormal coloration (sun spots and freckles) or even to develop skin cancer. Those who have spent too much time in the sun will manifest the sun damage as fine wrinkles around the eyes and lips, sun spots and freckles, and a dull leathery texture to the skin. The last category of aging, the sagging skin, is seen as large hanging bags under the eyes, eyebrows which hang so low as to hood the eyes, hanging jowls, and loose skinned necks.

From the 1960's through the 1990's, each of these three distinct signs of aging was solved with one procedure: the facelift. At the time, this procedure was complex, fairly risky and had a 3-6 month recovery time. In more recent years, a shift has been made to more natural rejuvenation of the face, including a host of non-surgical facial procedures. Anyone who has looked into these new procedures knows that the options seem endless - surgical and non-surgical treatments, "liquid facelifts", Botox, fillers, peels, lasers, dermabrasion, mini-facelift, lunch time-facelift... the list goes on. The big question is, how do you choose?

Dr. Gilbert Lee, a top plastic facial surgeon based in San Diego, recommends that you treat all three of the aging factors that affect your skin. "All these options allow you to treat specific issues in a much more natural and lasting way," he says. Dr. Lee recommends that you "start with the aging factor is most apparent."

The Natural Volume Facelift

If an individual has a gaunt, sallow face, then fillers or "volumizers" are the appropriate pick me up. Do people inject fat into their face to look younger? Yes! In fact, the procedure of removing fat from another area of the body and injecting it into the face is not only a popular one, but also considered to be very natural. "We normally take the fat from the tummy," says Dr. Lee. He explains that to treat loss of fat or volume in the face, it's best to use fillers or fat injections. The alternative to fat injections are fillers such as Sculptra (the "liquid facelift"), Radiesse, Juvederm and Restylane. These fillers are used to plump up the skin, "filling in" smaller sections or single creases. Sculptra Liquid Facelift is a synthetic injectable material known as poly-L-lactic acid. Once this bio-stimulator is injected below the surface of the skin, it helps your body regenerate its own collagen. Sculptra is used to plump up larger surfaces of the skin, creating an overall smooth appearance without any scarring. Its effect will last years. Botox is a muscle relaxer and is not a filler. Botox is best at treating expression lines because it relaxes the muscles underneath the wrinkle site, therefore relaxing or eliminating the wrinkle. What you choose is very much dependent on what you want to correct, how long you want your results to last, and how much you are willing to spend. A trained plastic surgeon can guide you through the myriad of options.

Facelift via Laser Treatment or Skin Resurfacing

To treat the effects of too much time spent in the sun (ie. freckles, sun spots, leathery skin texture), the options include strong topical treatments (medications), laser peels, dermabrasion, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and other laser treatments. One of the more interesting laser treatments is called Fraxel Laser Treatment. This treatment performed under a topical anesthetic produces thousands of tiny laser columns that reach deep beneath your skin. These lasers eliminate old epidermal pigmented cells and cause new collagen growth and tightening within the dermis. Because the laser lays down laser columns of energy, it leaves skin in between laser spots unaffected and intact. This "fractional" treatment allows the skin to heal much faster than if the entire area were treated at once. And, with the newer laser technologies, there is little to no downtime.

A New Kind of Surgical Face Lift

If loose or excess skin is your top aging factor, the best option for you may be a surgical facelift. Unlike facelifts of the past, advancements in facelift techniques now allow plastic surgeons to work faster, safer and in some cases less expensively. With this new kind of facelift, smaller incisions are made, which not only result in less swelling, but also in less visible scaring. Depending on the patient and the procedure they are having done, doctors may be able to use a local anesthetic. Using a local anesthetic is often safer and can save you several thousand dollars in operating room and anesthesia fees.

The modern day facelifts offer more options delivered in less time. There are even more new procedures on the horizon. But, whether you choose fillers, lasers or lifts, the results you'll likely receive are going to be safer, more natural, and, if you're really lucky, less expensive. The best advice may be to treat each of the three signs of aging separately, pick what works best for your skin (and for your wallet), and ask lots of questions.

Dr. Gilbert Lee is triple board certified, including certifications by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and the American Board of Surgery. He has been voted one of the Top Plastic Facial Surgeons in San Diego by the San Diego County Medical Society in 2007 and 2008. Find more information on facial surgery in San Diego, facelift before and after images or plastic surgery costs at

How to Find the Right Surgeon For Your Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

By Elisa Cruz

You have decided that your personal appearance is in need of a serious overhaul. You have decided not to tell any family and friends (well, your immediate family will have to be told for obvious reasons) and you have decided that you'll simply take some of those many vacation days you have accrued at work for the procedure.

Cosmetic plastic surgery is something that many people, both before and after you, will have done. The key is in finding a reputable surgeon to perform the cosmetic plastic surgery. First of all, the surgeon should be a member of the ASPS. This is information you can find easily on the Internet if need be, but ideally it should be displayed in any advertising he or she has done for their practice.

Next, pay special attention to the amount of training he or she has had. For example, the surgeon should have at least two years of experience in doing cosmetic plastic surgery, with at least five years of surgical experience overall. Also, the surgeon should be knowledgeable and therefore proficient in all forms of cosmetic plastic surgery. Why? Because various techniques from one procedure might be used in another procedure.

It goes without saying, but the surgeon should also only operate in a medical facility that is accredited. Also, during any consultation that you might go on, the surgeon should readily show a portfolio of "before and after" photos, and have many verifiable testimonials. Finding the right surgeon for your procedure might take a lot of work, but your physical results will be worth it!

More information on liposuction and a cosmetic plastic surgery doctor in your area is just a click away.

Wound Healing Risks of Body Contouring Surgery After Extreme Weight Loss

By Dr Barry Eppley

While every type of plastic surgery has risks, most of the time they rarely happen. Body contouring surgery, however, not only has risks but it is not a question of if you will develop is question of how when and severe will they be. This may initially sound pessimistic, but the reality is that body contouring patients all develop some of the complications of their surgery. Fortunately, most of these problems are small and manageable and end up being inconvenient and self-limiting but not health or life threatening.

When I talk about complications from body contouring surgery, it is important to clarify what procedures we are talking about. Smaller procedures, such as necklifts, breast lifts, or armlifts, have less risk of complications that body lifts or thigh lifts. It is simply a matter of how long are the incisions and how much surgery was done. Body lifts, example, have a much longer incision and is a bigger operation than an arm lift for example. The point being....not all body contouring surgery procedures have the same risk of complications as others. You need to discuss with your plastic surgeon the different procedures you are having and how these risks differ. Suffice it to say, the more procedures that are done together the more incisions are made. As more incisions are made, the following potential risks are more likely.

By far, the most significant 'complications' from body contouring surgery are wound related. And they are as follows; incision/wound separation, seroma formation, and infection. Some slight or partial separation of certain incisions is likely and happens in many patients. These usually are at areas of high tension (tight skin closure) and or at the 'T' intersection of many procedures. (e.g., breast lift/reduction, combined horizontal/vertical abdominoplasty, above the gluteal crease in the body lift) When they happen, little can be done to close them except the allowance of time for healing in on their own.

Seromas, or fluid collections, are remarkably common. This is why we use drains after surgery. In my experience, 30% or so of patients who get drains will still develop a seroma after the drain has been removed. While no one dies from a seroma, it is inconvenient as the fluid must be 'tapped' with a needle and removed numerous times before it stops building up. While the use if drains helps eliminate many seromas that would otherwise form, it is not an absolute cure for them.

Infections occur in many body contouring patients although most of them are small and very limited. Most commonly, some stitches will spit later even if they are of the dissolveable type. This often makes a nice-looking and healing incision turn unsavory for a while. Mild infection and cellulitis of some skin areas can also occur but usually resolves with antibiotics alone.

Body contouring surgery patients need to know that they all will likely develop some of these issues. Once one gets past four to six weeks after surgery, the risk of these issues has passed and attention turns toward how the result looks.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

What Are the Major Risks of Body Contouring Surgery

By Dr Barry Eppley

Most body contouring surgery complications are relatively minor (when they happen to someone else!) and relate to wound healing issues. Such limiting complications are fairly common with estimates of these occurring in between %10 to %50 of body contouring patients. More serious and life-threatening complications fortunately are far fewer occurring in less than 0.5% of patients.

Serious complications after body contouring with major health implications relate to an overall event known as thromboembolism (formation of clots) include DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and PE. (pulmonary embolism) DVTs and PEs are interrelated and are well known as a potential complication from any surgery, not just body contouring. DVTs are clots that can form anywhere in the legs (most commonly in the calf) up into the pelvis. Their prevention starts in surgery with patients wearing SCDs (sequential compression devices) or TED hose, which serves to 'squeeze' the legs and help keep the blood flow returning up the leg rather than getting stagnant and prone to clot formation. This is also why you are encouraged to get up and move around after surgery, even though you may not want to. Walking also helps keeps blood flowing in the legs. If a DVT forms, you will have pain and swelling in the leg which may become permanent. Aggressive blood-thinning efforts must then be done to prevent it from becoming worse or pieces of clot breaking off.

If clots should form, pieces may break loose and travel to the lung known as a PE. When this potentially lethal event occurs, blood flow to breathing portions of the lung are blocked. In bariatric surgery, PE is the leading cause of death after this surgery. While weight loss greatly reduces this risk, plastic surgeons are always concerned about it. Treatment of PEs requires blood thinners but prevention is far more effective and it begins with aggressive anti-DVT methods in surgery. Also, it is for these reasons that I will not do body contouring procedures that last longer than five hours at a time. There is an obvious correlation between length of surgery and increasing risk of DVT. Body contouring can always be done in stages, avoiding excessively long operating times.

Other potential major complications can occur but are much more rare such as a heart attack or pneumonia. They are less likely in body contouring patients as most of these patients are still fairly young, usually under 50 years of age and in apparent good health.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

The Open Rhinoplasty - Seeing is Better

By Dr Barry Eppley

Rhinoplasty is cosmetic reshaping of the external parts of your nose. It is a top five commonly requested procedure in plastic surgery in the United States. Whether it is a hump reduction or shortening and lifting of the nasal tip, changing the shape of one's nose can make a dramatic change in the appearance of one's face. Because of the intricate and complex anatomy of the nose and its very visible position on the face, anything less than a near perfect rhinoplasty result will be evident.

Whether it is a residual bump, asymmetry of the tip cartilages, or differences in the shape of the nostrils, less than perfect results in rhinoplasty are not rare. One reason is that rhinoplasty surgery is not easy. I consider it the most difficult of all cosmetic facial surgeries. And the way tissues heal and shrink after surgery is not always predictable which can cause undesired results in even the best performed rhinoplasty.

Historically, rhinoplasty surgery was performed in a 'closed' fashion, meaning work was done by looking up inside the nose. You don't have to be a plastic surgeon to realize that it is difficult to see up through the nostrils...and do exacting work on its delicate structures. As a result, the need for a second surgery after an initial rhinoplasty using a closed approach was not low, averaging a rate of 10% to 20% if not higher. It took a lot of years and a lot of rhinoplasty surgery cases to become really good at it. In other words, the learning curve was long and steep.

In contemporary rhinoplasty, improved methods have resulted in lower revision rates down around 5% or less. One of these newer methods is the conversion to the 'open' approach, meaning the skin is peeled back and the structures of the nose can be widely seen. The concept of peeling the skin off of the nose sounds horrifying to many patients. And justifiably so. But the reality is this is all done using just a tiny incision at the midway point of the skin between the nostrils. And when that scar heals, it is very difficult to impossible to see in most patients. This is a very small price to pay for improved rhinoplasty results. It is more accurate and predictable if you can see more clearly what you are doing.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Medical Evaluation and Clearance For Body Contouring Surgery

By Dr Barry Eppley

Many body contouring surgery procedures have a significant impact and stress on your system. Extreme weight loss patients are more likely than normal weight patients to have some changes in their blood chemistries as well as heart and lung issues that may impede healing and place their general health at risk. For these reasons, all extreme weight loss patients will require medical clearance by their primary care physician before surgery. It is critically important that any medical condition be identified and treated beforehand.

Many extreme weight loss patients see their physicians routinuely and get regular laboratory studies. The important laboratory tests to get or to have are a complete blood count (CBC), metabolic panel, bleeding time, and electrocardiogram. (EKG) The CBC evaluates the health of your white blood cells (fights infection), hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying capacity) and platelets. (helps clotting) Changes in normal for any of these blood cells will delay surgery until the reasons are found and corrected. The metabolic panel tests more than a dozen functions of your organs, most pertinently the levels of electrolytes (which help your heart and body work) and your protein and albumin levels. (which are indicators of your nutritional status) The bleeding time tests how long it takes for your blood to clot. (a critical issue when large segments of skin are being removed) The well known EKG tests the electrical activity of the heart, ruling out heart rhythm problems and evidence of past heart attacks. Any abnormalities in any of these tests are likely to require further testing.

As long as these tests have been performed within six months of your scheduled surgery, and the results are normal, no additional presurgical testing will be needed. With normal laboratory studies, your physician should be able to provide written medical clearance for your bariatric plastic surgery.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

Liposuction Sculpting of the Calves and Ankles

By Dr Barry Eppley

Thick calfs and ankles in an otherwise not overweight female is not a rare problem. It is frustrating for these women as it is just the way their body was made and is not a reflection of their lack of effort to try and reduce it. (which they can not) While liposuction is commonly performed all over the body, the calf and ankle is not an area treated by all plastic surgeons.

I find that calf and ankle liposuction can be a very successful procedure. But unlike other areas where liposuction is performed, patient selection and education are critical if a satisfied outcome is to be achieved. First and foremost, this Is not a procedure for overweight patients. Liposuction below the knee is for the patient who is out of proportion. Someone who is thick in the knee and ankle area but is not obese. Neither is it good for legs that are thick because of being very muscular or big-boned. In neither of these patients can you get a good shape, no matter how much fat you remove.

The best test is to pinch up the area between the fingers and see if you can 'pinch an inch'. If the skin and tissues are thick and can not be made to bunch up between the fingers, this is a poor sign for a good result.

When doing calf and ankle liposuction, there are two fundamental approaches. The first approach is spot reduction. This means treating just a few areas to get more shape, such as just below the knee on the inside of the lower leg and then from the inner calf down to the ankle. The idea is to get a better calf outline and shape. The best way to find the right areas to suction is to have the patient stand on their toes and outline the the calf muscle, marking above and below the muscle outline.

The other approach is to an overall circumferential reduction of the entire calf done below the knee to the just above the ankle. Spot reduction is obviously easier, but circumferential reduction actually makes the leg smaller. For those patients considering circumferential reduction, they must be prepared for months of swelling and a fairly long time to see the final result. (at least 3 or 4 months).

Very small cannulas in the calf and ankle area are used as it is important to avoid taking away too much fat too quickly. It is easy to create indents in these areas, particularly around the ankle area. There is not a lot of fat in this area and the use of very small cannulas is one way to avoid this problem.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

How to Manage Your Scars After Plastic Surgery

By Dr Barry Eppley

Surgical incisions and the scars they create are a concern for patients of all kinds. After surgery, most people ask how to take care of a scar so that it looks as unnoticeable as possible. While time and the mature healing of wound tissue is a major element in the ultimate appearance of a scar, there are a variety of things that you can do to affect both the speed and final look of your scars.

1) If your surgical incisions are left open at the end of the operation (usually occurring in facial procedures), keep them covered with Bacitracin ointment 2 to 3 times per day. Contrary to popular belief, the purpose of the Bacitracin is to keep the incision/sutures soft (for easier removal), not to decrease the risk of infection. Once the sutures are removed, apply a very light layer of Bacitracin ointment twice a day for an additional week.

2) If the surgical incisions are taped (usually body procedures), leave the tapes on until Dr. Eppley removes them. It is perfectly acceptable to get the tapes wet in the shower. They will not easily fall off as they are glued in place. When your tapes are removed for the first time, new tapes may

be put back to cover the incisions for another week.

3) Scar management strategies, and your participation, begins three (3) weeks after your surgery. At this time, all sutures and tapes have been removed and the incision is sufficiently healed to start topical therapies.

4) The best topical treatment to apply is SCARGUARD, a proprietary blend of Vitamin E, hydrocortisone (steroid), and silicone. These are the only three topical agents that are known to improve scars. Three weeks after surgery, apply SCARGuaRD twice a day-in the morning and evening. It is easy to apply, and dries quickly and invisibly.

5) Apply SCARGUARD between three weeks and three months after surgery.

6) Scars that are exposed to the sun in the first 6 months following surgery have a tendency to darken and become rougher in texture. Exposure to UV rays does not have a positive effect on the final look of scars, so it is crucial to protect them during outdoor activities. I recommends applying a sunscreen that has both UVA and UVB protection prior to any UV exposure.

7) In some cases, occlusive taping or silicone sheeting of the scars (e.g., breasts, abdomen) may be recommended in certain body areas that are prone to poor scarring. Materials and application instructions will be provided at that time should this scar technique be felt to be advantageous.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

How Long Will My Body Contouring Surgery Be?

By Dr Barry Eppley

Body contouring surgery, also known as bariatric plastic surgery, is unique in that many of the operations are long. Removing and reshaping loose hanging skin is tedious. Or to put it more graphically...there is a lot of cutting and sewing to be done in most body contouring surgeries.

While patients almost always ask how long any surgery is (you can argue you are asleep, what does it matter), this is still an understandable question particularly for the waiting families who are not asleep. And in most cases, it is also fairly predictable since after years of doing similar procedures, the plastic surgeon should have a pretty good idea as to how long it takes. The importance of accurately predicting the length of the operation also has economic impact. Since most body contouring surgeries are not covered by insurance, there is a fee per time cost for the use of the operating room and the anesthesiologist. You need to know the time of the operation and the cost upfront.

Lengths of surgery time will certainly vary based on the plastic surgeon. A longer or shorter operative time doesn't make one plastic surgeon better or worse than another. Every plastic surgeon operates at their own speed and comfort zone. So don't compare plastic surgeons by time. A longer or shorter operative time doesn't necessarily mean a better or worse result. As I always says...I don't get any rewards for being fast...I only get rewards (and patient happiness) from a good result, regardless of the time it took to get there. Nobody has yet to tell me....'Doc, the result is terrible but it was really fast!'

With that thought in mind, here are some approximate operative times based on some of the most common body contouring procedures. Abdominoplasty/Panniculectomy 2 - 4 hours, Arm Lift 2 - 2.5 hours, Back Lift 1 -2 hours, Body Lift 4 - 6 hours, Breast Lift/Reduction 2 - 3 hours, Facelift 2 - 3 hours, and Thigh Lift 2 - 3 hours.

Also remember that operative includes other events than actual surgery. The measurement of operative time starts the second you walk into the operating room and doesn't stop ticking until you are wheeled out on a stretcher. So events such as prepping and draping, positioning and turning you during surgery, and the application of dressings all counts as surgery time.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

Breast Augmentation - Saline Versus Silicone and Procedures

By Amy Nutt

Breast augmentation, a cosmetic surgery where a medical prosthesis is used to enlarge the breasts, is one of the more popular enhancements around. Actresses, exotic dancers and even the everyday gal who wishes to create as sexier bustline can get this popular surgery done.

Of course, the procedure may set you back $5,000-$10,000 dollars; however, financing is available for those who desperately desire the cosmetic surgery. Before you sign up to pay off a hefty loan for the next twenty years, you may wish to learn about the implants themselves and what revolutionary new procedures reduce scarring and downtime.

Breast Augmentation Consultation

A lot of the questions you may have about surgical breast enhancement will be answered by the initial doctor's visit. Be sure to bring a list of questions you have along with you so you know what you are getting into. A reluctance to discuss the surgery or the cost of the procedure is something of a red flag. Reputable plastic surgeon wants their patients to feel entirely comfortable about their cosmetic surgery.

One for the many things you will discuss during the first office visit may be the type of implants used. The two most common implants are silicone and saline and both have their drawbacks and advantages.

Saline Implants

Encased in a silicone rubber coating, saline implants consist of a salt water solution that is close to the natural water found in the human body. There are pre filled implants and others that are adjustable so that the volume can be raised or lowered during and after the cosmetic surgery.

Advantages: Because saline implants have a sterile salt water base, they fluid is easily absorbed into the body should the implant rupture. There are far more surgical techniques that can be utilized with saline implants as well.

Drawbacks: Saline implants tend to ripple and buckle beneath the skin and feel less real then silicone implants.

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants can either have a rough or smooth outer coating or have a fixed volume that cannot be altered. Although they once were considered potentially harmful, the FDA has been able to prove that silicone implants do not cause serious tissue damage or medical conditions.

Advantages: Silicone implants look and feel more like breasts and are heartier than saline so they are less apt to rupture post cosmetic surgery.

Drawbacks: Since silicone implants are not adjustable, there are only a few techniques that can be used to insert them. This often means large incisions have to be made. Also, when silicone implants rupture, the gel is not absorbed by the body.

The doctor should have several implant samples in the office. Ask to handle the implants you are considering and look into the various risks associated with both before making any firm decisions.

Breast augmentation techniques

There are several techniques that a plastic surgeon can use to put the implants in place but all largely fall under the realm of subglandular (under the breast gland) or submuscular (under the muscle). The most popular Chirurgie Esthetique Montreal option is to place the implant just under the pectoral muscle. It creates longer lasting and more realistic results, but often requires general anesthesia and longer recovery time.

Several different types of incisions can be made to introduce the implants as well, however, the most contemporary cosmetic surgeries, even those that are introduced via the belly button, are complimented by saline implants due to their inflatable nature.

Just realize that any implant you obtain, whether saline or silicone, are not permanent and have to be replaced. Some implant manufacturers even offer a replacement program. Before you decide on breast augmentation, learn all you can about this popular cosmetic surgery procedure. By doing this, you can all but guarantee stellar results!

Montreal Cosmetic Surgery Clinic offers many cosmetic surgery options such as liposuction, breast augmentation, and rhinoplasty. When you are doing research for cosmetic surgery, consider Chirurgie Esthetique Montreal.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Considering Cosmetic Plastic Surgery?

By Violet Williams

So much pressure has been placed on the appearance of people worldwide today that people are considering having certain procedures done to improve the look of their face, their legs, their buttocks, their breast, their arms and other parts of their body such as the nose, ears, eyes, lips and cheeks. These procedures are not inexpensive but are worth the money if you are looking to improve the appearance of your body. Changing the appearance of your body could help to change your confidence as well.

Cosmetic plastic surgery is a procedure used to reshape normal structures of the body such as a breast augmentation, a tummy tuck or liposuction. These procedures are usually elective; which means that the patient elects to have one or more of them done because they wish to change the appearance of that area of their body.

Cosmetic plastic surgery can also take place to repair eyelids, facial problems, skin problems and weight problems. A face lift attempts to return radiance to the face by restructuring certain areas of the face. A tummy tuck is a common procedure that tightens and strengthens loss skin and muscles around the abdomen area. It is also known as an abdominoplasty. The procedure will also remove any excess skin from the area.

Another common procedure in the cosmetic plastic surgery field is breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement. Breast enlargement does exactly what is says; enlarges the size of the breasts of women. The augmentation is done with implants, which are saline filled plastic bags, and are inserted into the existing breast via surgery.

Liposuction falls into this topic as well. Liposuction is the process of removing unwanted, excess fat, from different areas of the body. It is usually performed on the abdominal area, the thighs and the buttocks. Usually this procedure is done for patients who have tried and tried to lose weight by dieting and exercising and they are not getting the results that they want. Other areas of the body that can be treated with a liposuction procedure are the arms, the chin, the neck and the back. Candidates for a liposuction procedure are people that are of average weight, have elastic skin that is firm and have pockets of unwanted fat.

Other forms of cosmetic plastic surgery are laser skin resurfacing, Botox injections, chemical peels, a breast reduction and eyelid surgery. All of these procedures can cost anywhere from $4,000-$10,000 or more but help to reshape the body and increase the amount of confidence a person has regarding their appearance.

Before jumping into getting a procedure done make sure you do enough research on the specific procedure and ask all the questions that are perplexing you before you decide to go ahead and have that procedure done. Finding the perfect doctor can make the process easier. Begin your search for a doctor in your local area and then make a decision. Always schedule an initial consultation to meet the doctor and find out what his or her plan of attack would be.

More information on cosmetic plastic surgery and liposuction is just a click away.

Face-Off - Stealing Your Neighbor's Looks?

By Sarah Pauer

In a whim director John Woo lets main character Sean Archer from the popular nineties movie Face/Off switch looks with his antagonist Castor Troy. Secretly in a hyper advanced medical facility a method has been developed to achieve ultimate face lifts, that of taking on another face literally. Why settle with improving your face contours when you may get yourself completely new ones? But how realistic was the movie really, and what are the medical limitations with cosmetic plastic surgery?

The human organism could be said to automatically resist change. We are built to keep our weight, keep our skin barrier complete, to eradicate invading germs and to keep a balanced temperature even though the surroundings change. These are limitations which never bothered Mr. Woo in his sleep with. But as soon as your cosmetic face lift surgeon even breaks the stratum corneum of your skin (the outermost layer) he must consider many such factors.

All three levels constituting the skin - epidermis, dermis and subcutis - are detached from Nicolas Cage's skull in one single piece. This leaves his character Sean Archer with his facial bones basically only covered with deeper vessels, fascia and muscle layers. His face is then lifted off and replaced with another man's. To achieve the highest level of completion and to really make the new face fit snuggly, Archer's facial bones are re-sculpted.

Let us direct our attention to these techniques in reversed order. Cosmetically changing your facial bones to achieve a new look can be done, however as most of us know it is often easier to remove than to add. When adding to your face your plastic surgeon has to use material from your own body. Bone pieces from your pelvis may be used to enhance your nose or to give your cheeks another angle. This is because your body will resist tissue not recognized as your own. This makes it very hard to do any larger changes, as there really aren't any fabricated materials your body readily would accept.

This brings us to the next part, that of attaching a larger piece of another human onto yourself. Pick 100 strangers from the street and none of them would suit as donators for this facelift switch extraordinaire. Even if you chose your own sister you would have to be treated with massive amounts of immunosuppressant for the rest of your life. This is one of the reasons to why it is so hard to find for example kidney donors - two different body systems never ever match completely and most of the times really not at all. This to some extent even goes for identical twins!

So what would happen to Johan Travolta and Nicolas Cage placed under the knife of a real world cosmetic surgery face lift surgeon? Their new skin grafted faces would literally be eaten by their own internal defenses. And where does that leave us? Could cosmetic facelifts as these never be achieved? Well as always time will tell, but we would be in need of a completely new series of immune system modulators to begin with. Not to mention surgical precision at a new level.

Until we meet again, let me give you some advice. As goes with make-up, let face lift cosmetics enhance and improve your looks, but not totally change them. With the newly acquired knowledge from this article - what do you really think happened to Michael Jackson's face?

Sarah Pauer is a medical professional and freelance writer, with knowledge on secondary cosmetic surgery facelift and cosmetic surgery face lift techniques. She writes medical articles for many kinds of informational websites.

Want to Carve Years Off of Your Face? What Are the Benefits and Dangers of Face Lifts?

By Patricia Wagner

Are you unhappy about what your mirror tells you? Does it show you wrinkles and sagging flesh that used to be so youthful?

You probably know that if you choose a skillful plastic surgeon, he or she can probably remove 10 or 15 years off of your appearance!

What could that mean to you?

Many people regret the passage of time and the wrinkles and sagging skin that naturally occurs. Wanting to look younger, they may look into having cosmetic surgery. A face lift can't stop the aging process, but this surgical procedure will probably make you look younger. That's because in this type of surgery muscles are tightened and excess fat is removed resulting in a more youthful appearance.

If you are between your 30s and 40s, you might want to select a mini face lift to tighten your facial muscles because the procedure is less invasive and recovery time is much faster than with the traditional face lift.

The traditional face lift that was popular in the 1980s with celebrities is known as the deep plane face lift. When it is successful, it can make you look up to 15 and even 20 years younger because it tightens the facial muscles so much.

If you want to have a face lift, your skin must have elasticity to it and you need strong bone structure to qualify for this surgical procedure.

However, you need to proceed with caution because there are many potential negative side effects. This cosmetic surgery has a risk factor that's serious enough to make you think twice before going under the knife. Just like any other surgery, face lift surgery has its risks that should not be ignored.

Here are some sobering side effects that could happen to you if you decide to have a face lift. They hardly ever happen, but they can still occur.

1. Some of your facial nerves could be injured resulting in lack of mobility of some facial muscles.

2. Some of your facial tissues could actually die in the process.

3. Your incisions could become infected.

4. This surgery can even kill you in a worst case scenario.

There is less risk today than years ago when face lifts first became popular, but the risks are still there.

If you wish to brave the possible side effects of a face lift, be sure to choose your surgeon wisely and follow his or her guidance as you go through this procedure.

Face lifts are more affordable now than ever, so more people are choosing to have this procedure done.

If you decide to have a face lift, be aware of the fact that you may or may not be pleased with the results because there are no guarantees. You need to ask yourself if it is worth the possible risks to look younger.

Are you wondering if a cosmetic face lift could help you look younger? Are plastic surgery risks worth it?

What is Tummy Liposuction?

By Marissa Drake

Some people are incapable of losing weight, no matter what they do. For the majority of people this isn't a problem. By changing eating habits and working exercise time into your busy schedule, you can usually lose weight and fat. However, due to some medical conditions, such as a thyroid problem or a low metabolism, exercising to lose your tummy fat may not be as easy. In this case, tummy liposuction may be the answer for you.

Liposuction is the #1 cosmetic surgery performed in the United States. It's relatively safe, although along with any surgery, there are risks involved. Ultrasonic liposuction is extremely popular with patients, because it's a non-invasive surgery that doesn't require actual surgery. However, ultrasonic liposuction is not a great way to lose large amounts of fat. Ultrasonic liposuction delivers ultrasound energy to the tummy area, destroying fat cells in the process. No anaesthesia is required, and you won't have to miss months off work in order to recover. The downside is that it is incapable of destroying large amounts of fat cells, and the patient will either have to go in for multiple sessions, or will have to resort to more traditional liposuction surgeries.

Tummy liposuction can have a detrimental effect to your body. It's important that you choose your doctor carefully before you consider tummy liposuction, since this can greatly increase your chances of a successful surgery without side effects. It's also important to remember that price isn't everything. A low cost surgeon may be covering for the fact that they have minimal experience in the field. With some things you can look for bargains, but in the case of surgery, you should choose the most qualified surgeon available.

Tummy liposuction surgery is basically the removal of fat using a cannulae, and the smaller the cannulae, the better. If you have large deposits of fat, you may have to undergo multiple liposuction surgeries in order to get the results you want.

Possible side effects

  • Irregularities of the skin
  • Scarring
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Soreness
  • Blood clots
  • Infection
  • Allergic reaction to the anesthetic

While the above list may seem large, tummy liposuction is relatively safe. In most cases, bruising, swelling and soreness diminish and fade over several months.

Tummy liposuction isn't the answer to everything. Once you've had the surgery, you will have to regulate your diet and exercise on a regular basis in order to maintain your results.

Marisa Drake is considered an expert author in the fields of nutrition, weight loss, healthy living and plastic surgery. To learn more about detoxing your system and losing weight without the complications of liposuction surgery visit Weight Loss Body Wraps.

To learn read about real life plastic surgery experiences visit Plastic Surgery Cafe.


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