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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Breast Augmentation Complication - Capsular Contracture

By Mae Sakit Satotoy

Capsular contracture

He wondered what is capsular contracture? Well, is a condition that can occur after surgery for breast augmentation. When implants are placed under the breasts, the body forms a coating of living tissue around her as a natural response. This formation of scar tissue or capsule is a normal process. However, in some cases, this tissue hardens and squeezes the implant, which in severe cases, can be taken within a distorted form that needed correction.

Understand capsular contracture

Breast implants capsular contracture is a common condition and can happen in one or both breasts implanted. While it may happen at any time, the likelihood is greater in the first months after surgery. In the procedure of breast augmentation, breast implants are inserted into his pocket for under the breast. When the skin raw pocket begins to heal, form a capsule of fibrous tissue around the implant. It is natural that this tissue to decline somewhat, but in some cases, you can hit the implants inserted to such an extent as to distort the appearance of the breast.

The breast surgery


This contraction is evaluated the classification of Baker. The four degrees of capsular contracture with capsular contracture symptoms are as follows:

A. Grade I: This is the normal shrinkage, in which the breast is natural and mild.

B. Grade II: At this stage, the breast feels a bit strong, but it seems normal.

C. Level III: This stage is a bit serious, in which the breast becomes strong and seems abnormal. The shape of the breast can give a little distorted.

D. Grade IV: This is a serious condition in which the breast may have a "ball-like 'appearance becoming hard and painful. The breast is positively abnormal.

However, the point they note, is not the implant hardens, is tightening and hardening of tissue that makes the implant feels hard and firm. Once the implant is removed, is as smooth as ever.

The causes of capsular contracture

Why capsular contracture occurs in some and not others is unclear. Studies conducted by the Institute of Medicine, involving both filled with silicone gel and saline-filled breast implants, capsular contracture showed rates of thirty-six to eighty-one percent of silicone gel implants filled breast and eight to forty-one percent of saline-filled. Grade III and IV capsular contracture types of saline implants showed occurrence nine percent in three years and ten to eleven percent in five years.

However, it is not just that implants can cause capsular contracture, some other conditions can also put at risk:

A. Placement subglandular: It has been observed that implants placed above the muscle make you more prone to capsular contracture, compared with the placement submuscular, where the implant is placed under the muscle.

B. Smoking: Smoking is considered too bad here! It reduces the level of oxygen in the blood, which may delay healing and cause an inflammatory response, leading to the reduction of tissues.

C. Infection: Body is more prone to capsular contracture after an infection. Even germs or contamination long-term bacterial contamination of the implant shell may cause an inflammatory reaction, leading to the reduction.

D. Seroma: seroma, the accumulation of fluid around the implant, which can be drained surgically necessary in order to allow proper healing, puts you at higher risk.

E. Hematoma: hematoma, an accumulation of blood that require surgical intervention, can cause inflammatory reactions, leading to capsular contracture.

Correcting capsular contracture

Patients with Grade III and IV capsular contracture required to be operated again. This may involve removing the tissue capsule around the implant closed or open breast capsulotomy. In some cases, even the implant itself has to be replaced. However, this procedure is no guarantee that this condition will not occur again.

Capsular contracture is a reality one has to cope with the breast augmentation surgery. But it is certainly not that great deterrent to help you avoid this surgery.

Mae Sakit Satotoy writes for Breast Augmentation for more info visit @

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