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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Should There Be a Limit on Cosmetic Surgery

By Anthony Williams Sr.

We have all seen the photographs of public figures such as Jocelyn Wildenstein and Michael Jackson in regards to plastic surgery overkill. These are the people used as examples of why we supposedly need limits in the area of cosmetic surgery.

Their disfigured faces, destroyed through vanity and a compulsion to look a certain way, are there to remind us all of the dangers of excessive alterations.

But should a few individuals lack of judgment when it comes to their bodies reflect on society as a whole? Should their decisions be held accountable by the rest of the population?

Where does personal responsibility fit in?

There are many doctors and members of the public who believe legal limits should be imposed in the field of plastic surgery. That an arbitrary number needs to be written in the medical books so people don't have the opportunity to go overboard in nipping and tucking.

But what number will they choose? How do they know where that magical line is that will cause someone's health and appearance to decline due to cosmetic procedures? And should we allow these people to dictate to us what we can and can't do with our bodies?

Body Issues

Our bodies are unique in design and respond to external factors in different ways. For example:

Some people struggle with weight and have to watch everything they eat while others can overindulge on a regular basis and never show any negative side effects from this kind of consumption.

Of course there are also people who choose to overindulge even though the effects of eating poorly are clearly detrimental to their health.

Does that mean we should impose limits on food because there are people who choose to disregard their own safety?

The reality is that our bodies have to be treated as the individual entities that they are. Decisions regarding what our figures can and can't withstand have to come from a discussion between the person involved and their personal care physician.

Just as with many other things in life there is no hard and fast rule to determine how much cosmetic surgery someone can cope with. Some people can have ten procedures and never show any negatives signs that they had work done. Should that person be limited in their choice because someone else's body can't withstand the same?

Personal Freedom

One of the greatest things about living in a democratic nation is the personal freedom to make choices based on our personal belief systems. Does that mean everyone makes responsible choices all of the time? Of course not. But the freedom to choose is an important thing. Do you really want governments dictating what they consider to be acceptable for your body?

If someone like Jocelyn Wildenstein wants to spend 4 million dollars on plastic surgery to resemble a cat then why shouldn't she? It is her body and her money. No one else has to look in the mirror and see her face so why do we pass judgment?

There are lots of statistics in this world that people can throw around to justify limitations on anything we choose to do. There are certain people who always want to impose restrictions based on personal bias or moral judgments.

The fact is when it comes to cosmetic surgery we are talking about our bodies. Many people experience profound positive results and a radical change in self-esteem after undergoing cosmetic surgery It is a deeply personal choice and one that should remain personal.

Discussions regarding cosmetic procedures should clearly stay in the doctor's office.

The Brampton Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Clinic Brampton Cosmetics, for plastic surgery, Toronto, Ontario, has been dedicated to cosmetic surgery and skin health for over ten years.

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