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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tummy Tuck - How to Recover

By A Aaronson

It's one thing to decide to have surgery, but it's something totally different to actually go through it. If you are thinking of having a tummy tuck, you need to know what other things are involved than just the operation. The recovery period is tantamount to achieving the results you want. But, can you dedicate the time and have the luxury of giving yourself full-time to your recovery? Of course, everybody has a different recovery experience because it is based on how healthy you are to begin with as well as the extent of the procedure. Here are some basic things to know about your recovery so that you can ensure you have a good one.

First of all, you are going to need some time off. This is not some procedure you get on your lunch break- this is major surgery. Depending on the type of procedure, you may spend a night in the hospital. Typically, after a tummy tuck expect to stay in bed for a couple of days. At a minimum, you will miss a week of work; sometimes two are necessary depending on your surgeon's evaluation after the procedure. This time right after the surgery is essential to the healing process so make sure you can afford the time off.

As far as your normal activities, hold off on any strenuous exercise for at least six weeks. A week after the tummy tuck, light exercise is permitted as long as your surgeon okays the plan. Walking is very important soon after the surgery to keep your blood flowing and prevent clots from forming. After any surgery, blood clots are a risk so you have to keep your body moving.

Swelling and pain are normal parts of the recovery process. It is simply your body's response to the trauma of surgery. Your surgeon can prescribe pain medication, and ice helps reduce the swelling. You can also ask your surgeon about special binders that compress the abdominal area and help with the swelling. If the swelling and pain seem too severe and you aren't seeing signs of improvement, don't hesitate to contact your surgeon. While these are normal aspects of recovery, they can also be indicative of the onset of complications.

Managing and caring for drainage tubes are also a part of the recovery process. Many tummy tuck patients receive these tubes to prevent fluid and blood from collecting and causing seroma from occurring and possible causing an infection. You will have to monitor the amount of fluid you remove from the drain each day to determine when the tubes can come out. Usually, it is within the first week that they can be removed. While they are there, you must keep the area clean and dry. Your stitches are also removed within the first 5 to 7 days.

You should be able to see results in about six weeks. If you still have a lot of swelling and pain, contact your doctor. Also, if anytime during your recovery, you notice pus or a bad odor around your incision sites, get in to see your surgeon. To ensure a speedy recovery, it is important to follow all of the guidelines your doctor prescribes for your after-care. Also, the better shape you are in before the procedure, the easier your recovery will be.

Before you get to this stage, make sure you hire the right surgeon for the job. Make sure he is a licensed and board certified plastic surgeon. Check out his facility. Is it clean? Is it prepared to handle emergencies? Another bit of information that is good to know is the surgeon's experience in performing tummy tucks. Look at before and after pictures and ask for referrals. Finding someone who knows what they are doing is the best way to ensure your recovery will go well.

The procedure of Tummy tuck, Maryland requires recovery time. For instance swelling and pain are normal parts of the tummy tuck recovery process. The Cosmetic Surgery Centre at Maryland can improve the contour of your body by removing unwanted bulges. Visit

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