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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

SmartLipo - Modern Liposuction Surgery

By Christine Cilano

Most men and women want to look young and attractive. But many of them have those stubborn areas of fat that just won't go away, even with a healthy diet and a steady exercise routine. Liposuction is an effective procedure that eradicates excessive stubborn fat from specific areas of the body. A recent and exciting new development in liposuction surgery is SmartLipo - an innovative technique designed to permanently remove surplus fat cells. It does not just take out the fat, but also enhances body contour and tightens the skin.

Remove Excessive Fat Quickly

SmartLipo - This modern liposuction surgery helps patients lose a size or two with minimum incision and minimum downtime. While SmartLipo has some drawbacks, it wins over conventional liposuction methods in terms of safety and effectiveness. The treatment is non-invasive and often local anesthesia is enough to carry out this procedure. Recovery time is brief, with many patients returning to work in a few days. You are the best candidate for this treatment, if you are healthy and physically fit, but have trouble areas that don't respond to diet and exercise.

SmartLipo - An Innovative, Laser-Assisted Lipolysis

Approved by the FDA, SmartLipo is the only method that makes use of a dual platform laser MPX, which blends the properties of two wavelengths to melt fat and tighten skin. The operating surgeons are able to alternate between the two, depending on the skin quality and body type of the patient.

Choosing the right surgeon is an important part of the overall process of undergoing SmartLipo treatment. With SmartLipo, the modern liposuction surgery, you will experience far greater results than with any other traditional liposuction method.

At Park Avenue SmartLipo in New York City, the goal of our experienced Manhattan plastic surgeons is to provide our patients with the highest level of SmartLipo treatments and medical care at our AAASF accredited center.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Options in Tear Trough Facial Deformity Correction

By Dr Barry Eppley

A tear trough deformity is a deep indentation between the eye and the nose. Technically known as the nasojugal fold, this natural indentation becomes very noticeable if it gets too deep. Some people have tear troughs naturally, while others develop them with aging. Either way, it creates a dark shadow which is cosmetically distracting.

Treatment of the deep tear trough requires adding something between the skin and the underlying bone. Injectable fillers are one easy option which are safe although they are not permanent. The best choice for this area are injectable fillers made of hyaluronic acid or collagen because they flow in smoothly and less likely to be lumpy or irregular. Longer lasting fillers seem like a good idea but they are more prone to unevenness and potential lumpiness. The injections can easily be done in the office but there is a significant risk of bruising due to the large number of blood vessels in this area. I tell patients that about half the time, despite my best efforts, one side will get some bruising. While injectable fillers are quick and easy (at least for the doctor), in the long-term I don't find them satisfying because it is just a temporary fix for the problem.

Injecting fat works similar to the synthetic injectable fillers from a conceptual standpoint. It can fill out the depression. Fat, however, requires a harvest site, a method for concentration, and must be done in a sterile manner to avoid infection. For these reasons, fat injections are not usually an office procedure. They might be an option if one was going to the operating room anyway for other procedures. Then this 'natural' injection method makes better economic sense. The thinness of the skin in the tear trough area is extremely thin, however, so any irregularities from the injected fat may be seen also. The biggest issue with injected fat, however, is that it is unpredictable. No one can tell you how much or if any will survive long-term.

Placement of specially-shaped synthetic implants is another option which does offer permanency of the result. Placed through the mouth and secured to the bone with a small screw, implants provide excellent fullness that will have a smooth outer skin appearance. The key is not to place too big of an implant which may look unnatural. Tear trough implants are a good option if one is having surgery for other facial areas. Then the cost and exposure to anesthesia more than justifies this approach. Implants can always get infected but I have yet to see one in this area of the face do so in a cosmetic patient.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

Friday, November 7, 2008

Laser Skin Resurfacing Says Goodbye to Damaged and Wrinkled Skin

By Lloyd Krieger

Laser skin resurfacing is a type of skin rejuvenation procedure that has both therapeutic and cosmetic benefits. Just as the name suggests, laser skin resurfacing makes use of a special laser that is used to eliminate skin that is damaged or wrinkled, treating the skin layer by layer.

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing is a procedure that is most often used to remove fine lines and wrinkles that have appeared around the eyes and mouth. It is also successful at removing superficial wrinkles on the forehead and cheeks. Skin that has a weathered look can also be effectively treated with laser skin resurfacing. Any number of benign skin lesions can be lessened and eliminated all together thanks to the work of laser skin resurfacing.

This type of procedure can also help to reduce and/or soften the appearance of scars on the face (such as those caused from acne, diseases such as chicken pox, and scars due to traumatic events) and improve areas where there is uneven pigmentation. Skin that has been damaged due to the sun will respond well to this type of skin procedure as well.

It is important for anyone considering laser skin resurfacing to be aware of the fact that this procedure is not geared towards wrinkles that are deeply engrained in the skin's surface. The treatment may help these wrinkles somewhat, but it will not make eliminate them completely.

Medical Conditions that Benefit From This Procedure

There are some medical conditions that will show improvement after laser skin resurfacing is undertaken. These include:

-Chronic actinic cheilitis


-Cutaneous lesions

-Balanitis xerotica obliterans

-Erythroplasia of Queyrat

-Hailey-Hailey disease (benign familial pemphigus)

-Lupoid cutaneous leishmaniasis

-Rhinophyma (which is caused by an extreme case of acne rosacea)

The Consultation Stage for Laser Skin Surgery

It is essential that you explain to the plastic surgeon what skin improvement you are seeking when it comes to CO2 treatment (another name for laser skin resurfacing). The results will not be the same for everyone. The procedure can be performed on the entire face or for spot treatments. Some patients choose to have laser skin resurfacing done at the same time that they are having another form of surgery on their face, while others opt for singular treatment. This decision is up to you and is dependent on the problems you are experiencing with your skin.

The surgeon will review your medical history with you, as well as take a close look at your skin and the pigmentation of your face in order to decide if you would benefit from laser skin resurfacing. It is vital that you tell the doctor any pertinent information that is related to your skin, such as sun sensitivity, if you have ever had any viral skin infections, or what skin treatments you have had in the past six months (such as chemical peels, Accutane treatments or microdermabrasion).

Individuals who are presently suffering from skin inflammation due to acne are not good candidates for this type of procedure. People who have been using Accutane for a period of six months to a year would be better off considering other types of skin resurfacing procedures, such as peels and even then only until well after the treatment with that medicine has ended. Those who are prone to keloids should avoid laser skin resurfacing. People who have dark complexions, such as those that are olive in appearance, are more likely than people with lighter complexions to develop hyperpigmentation as a consequence of laser skin surgery.

Innovative Nature of Laser Skin Resurfacing

The laser used in CO2 treatments is a carbon dioxide laser that is considered to be an innovative, exciting advancement is cosmetic surgery. During the procedure, the water found in the top layer of the skin is heated, which prompts peeling when a gentle rubbing motion is applied to it. The skin will be red afterwards and crusting can take place if the patient does not keep the area moist by applying the proper dressings and ointment to the area.

It is essential for a patient to follow instructions from their Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon in order to allow healing to take place following laser skin resurfacing. If you experience any problems afterwards, do not hesitate to get in touch with the office for assistance.

Lloyd M. Krieger, MD is a plastic surgeon and founder of Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, California. More information is available on procedures such as and rhinoplasty in Los Angeles.

Cosmetic Surgery - What to Get and When

By James P Wilkinson

The rate at which our skin appears to age can be influenced by many factors and depending on this we will need to take certain precautions and be aware of the right time to opt for a particular procedure whether it be non surgical - such as Botox injections - or surgical - such as facelift surgery.

Believe it or not 90-95% of what we perceive to be aging of our skin is actually sun damage which has been programmed into our skin from an early age onwards. If you do not protect your skin from the sun's rays (even in winter) you will unfortunately accelerate the "aging" of your skin. For those of you with a penchant for sunbeds there is little hope of staying young and fresh faced without a major reversal technique, whether this be non surgical such as an acid peel or by going under the surgeons' knife and having a facelift to iron out those creases.

If you look after you skin then you shouldn't need to think about anti-aging products until you are in your mid twenties. At this point you can start to consider certain products to ward off the advances of time - remember; prevention is better than cure - by your late twenties you may want to consider Botox to tackle any expression lines on the forehead or between the eyes (and those pesky crows feet) and stop those from becoming deepened wrinkles which are more difficult to do anything about.

In your early thirties you may find Naso-Labial lines appearing (although these may start appearing in your twenties) these creases - stemming from the nose and stretching down to the side of the mouth - can be treated temporarily by making use of dermal fillers to plump them out. Some cosmetic surgery practices are now using a new type of injection that contains poly-L-lactic acid which stimulates the skins production of collagen in order to plump up the lines naturally from within.

Once you get into your forties and are heading for your fifties you may want to consider a small tweak in the form of a facelift in order to tighten the skin and give you back a more youthful face. Along with this you could opt for lower eye bag removal surgery (Blepharoplasty) if you suffer from fatty deposits under the eyes.

Things to consider in terms of preparing for your skins future health are as follows:

• Quit smoking as this robs your skin of precious moisture and quickens the aging process vastly.

• Protect your skin with a minimum sun factor protection 15 throughout the year, increasing this when you exposed to stronger sun.

• Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated as dry skin is less protected and ages faster.

• Eat plenty of green veg and dark fruits to get your fill of antioxidants to protect your skin from free radicals.

Follow these tips and consider the above options should you need them. Remember - everyone ages at a different rate depending on how well they look after their skin and as a result of their genetic programming so you may not need to consider non-surgical or surgical procedures until later in life. How long you stay looking good for is very much in your hands!

If you are considering cosmetic surgery procedures in the UK such as facelift surgery you should seek an accredited surgeon who is registered with BAPRAS or BAAPS to ensure this plastic surgery runs smoothly.

Understanding Scars From Body Contouring Surgery

By Dr Barry Eppley

Body contouring surgery usually involves the removal of large segments of excess skin and fat after considerable weight loss. Such radical resection usually occurs from tummy tucks, body lifts, and thigh lifts. Lesser segments of skin and fat are removed in breast lifts, arm lifts, and back lifts. No matter what the area of resection, the outcomes from these procedures is often dramatic. Such major body changes, however, come at a price...that of long scars.

Most extreme weight loss patients gladly accept this scar trade-off and are usually well aware of it. They typically consider the scars a far better alternative to loose hanging skin. Few would quibble with that approach given the medical and aesthetic problems that all that loose skin can cause.

But scarring is a process that takes time to get to its optimal appearance, often up to a year after surgery. Understanding the healing of these long incisions and the maturation of the resulting scar is helpful as the patient watches closely as this process evolves.

For a short time after surgery, incisions must heal before they can be truly called a scar. There are many dissolveable sutures used to hold these incisions together underneath the skin. While they will eventually dissolve, it takes a long time to do so. Many times some of these sutures will 'spit' or come through the skin because they are so close to it. The body does this because it recognizes them as foreign and wants them out. This never occurs before three weeks after surgery but may occur for several months thereafter. This is not abnormal and most body contouring patients will experience this nuisance problem. It can be frustrating because the incision looks so great initially and then develops these problem areas. Many patients think this is an infection but it is nothing more than the body getting rid of these sutures. After about 6 to 8 weeks after surgery, this process is pretty much over.

Once the incision starts to heal, the resulting scar will change color. Up to about 3 weeks after surgery, the incision looks fantastic...basically because it hasn't really started to heal yet. Once this healing process starts, blood vessels grow into the incision and it turns red. This is distressing to some patients as they think something is wrong. When in fact this is normal and is part of the process that allows the skin to knit back together and get as strong as it was before the surgery. (a process that takes up to 9 months or so after surgery) The scar will remain red until the strength of the skin from the healing process is normal. As a result, the red color of a scar may not have gone away for up to a year after surgery. This is called scar maturation and is a long process.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

A New Face, Mister Bond? - Facial Cosmetic Surgery

By Nicholas James

A master-criminal, hell bent on bringing about global destruction, sits in his high-backed leather chair, a maniacal laugh ringing throughout his dimly lit office, the centre of his worldwide operations. He swivels slowly around in his chair to face upon the debonair spy's face.

"So, Mister Bond. Our paths cross once again. But this time I have the advantage over you. Tell me, do you really not recognise me with my new face?"

The concept of a brand new face might once have seemed entirely in the realms of a James Bond film, but nowadays it isn't such a fantastical notion.

No longer seen as a red flag of vanity practiced under cloak and dagger conditions upon those travelling the glitter-dusted path of the rich and fame-hungry celebrity set; more and more people see no shame in having had some form of facial cosmetic surgery carried out. Unless, of course, you name happens to be Michael Jackson.

But joking aside, the possibilities now exist to completely change the facial appearance of anybody who has the money to pay for it.

Nowadays there are so many different procedures and combinations that can be carried out, from the subtle, such as eyelid reduction (canthoplasty), to one of the most popular forms of plastic surgery out there, the facelift (rhytidectory); that it is more and more and common for people from all walks of life to have work done and tell their friends and family about it. This is testament to the newfound status of social acceptability that the plastic surgery industry now enjoys.

As the face is generally the first thing that people notice when they meet, it is no surprise that in a world obsessed by people's perception of beauty these facial procedures have become so popular. As mentioned above, a rhytidectory, or the facelift - along with liposuction and breast enlargement - is the most requested form of plastic surgery there is. It involves the removal and smoothing of the excess skin that causes wrinkles and the appearance of aging in the face. Sometimes the underlying tissue is also tightened to enhance the overall effect.

Rhinoplasty, or the 'nose job', involves the reshaping of the nose. This, unlike a facelift can be for either aesthetic or reconstructive reasons. The look of the nose is usually altered by the manipulation of the cartilage or in some cases bone taken from another part of the body, usually the ribs. It has long been the favourite of the Hollywood star and those in the public eye looking to correct what they see as imperfections.

Facelifts and nosejobs are the easily the best known of all the facial cosmetic surgery procedures, due largely to their prevalence amongst the showbiz set. In these cases it is generally accepted that they're solely for aesthetic - or vanity - reasons.

But it doesn't end there. There are surgical procedures for every conceivable aspect of the face. These include blepharoplasty, which is the removal of the fat, the excess muscle, and the skin that cause unsightly bags under the eyes. There's otoplasty, which is the reshaping or correction of protruding ears. Chin augmentation, where, as with the breast, implants are used to structure and create a stronger chin. It also works in the converse with a chin reduction. Both are often carried out in conjunction with rhinoplasty to maintain the aesthetic balance of the facial structure.

So the next time you find your plans for world domination have been narrowly averted by an interfering British spy with ready access to a devastating arsenal of off-the-cuff one-liners; there's no need to worry about what your work colleagues may think of you come Monday morning. Modern facial surgery procedures mean that should you wish you can change your appearance and return to the day job with your head - and face - held high.

For more information on plastic, reconstructive, facial, and reductive surgery, check out the website of Chien C Kat, a female plastic surgeon practicing plastic surgery in the UK.

Nick James is a web writer specialising in articles and web content.

Cosmetic Surgery Options For Women Who Are Curious

By Elisa Cruz

Each woman who looks in the mirror each morning looks at something differently. Obviously, each woman is physically different, but the main difference here is in regard to the self esteem that a woman has. Some women are very happy with how they look, while others wish that they could have something changed about their appearance.

For these women, cosmetic surgery becomes a real possibility. Basically, cosmetic surgery involves various procedures that are meant to augment or minimize certain areas of a body. One of the most common kinds of cosmetic surgery is rhinoplasty. While this procedure is often done on people who actually have sinus problems, it is also done on people who think their noise is too large for their face.

Yet another example of cosmetic surgery is breast augmentation. Many women feel rather uncomfortable about their small busts, and thus elect to get silicone implants to give their breasts more firmness and shape. Some people also elect to get buttock implants for the same reason.

No matter what kind of cosmetic surgery a person gets, it is very important to make sure that they have the proper financial funds. Most doctors will have reasonable payment plans, that will allow the person to pay in installments. Also, the person will have to allow for the amount of time that will be needed for recuperation, so vacation time from work will be required. It will take a significant amount of planning and patience, but the results and the improved self esteem make it all definitely worth it.

More information on Liposuction and a cosmetic surgery center in your area is just a click away.

Understanding the Tear Trough Cosmetic Problem

By Dr Barry Eppley

The tear trough facial deformity is an area of frequent confusion. Some patients think they have this problem and don't know what to call it, while others think they have it and it is really another type of facial problem. Because the cheek and eyelid areas are adjacent to each and bone from area can impact the shape of the other, it is important to clearly define what the tear trough deformity is...and isn't. Treatment methods will, of course, differ based on the anatomy of the problem which is why clarification is more than just a semantic issue.

Tear troughs are refer to a sunken in or hollowed out area below the eye. One must determine what anatomic area is sunken in, whether it be at the eyelid, orbital rim, or out in the cheek area. Sometimes it can even be all three together.

Hollowness below the eyelid (put your finger in the area, if you feel bone then you are on the lower rim of the eye socket) is most typically caused by sagging of the cheek tissues, known as midface descent, or inadequate development of the bone of the upper cheek, known as midface hypoplasia. The patient's age is usually a key element in determining the cause of this 'bone' problem. A younger patient most likely has cheek/orbital rim bone underdevelopment, an older patient more likely has midface descent. Some older patients, however, may have both.

Hollowness above the bone (if you push and feel no bone or slide over the rim of the bone), then the defect is in the eyelid area. This is not a bone problem but a reflection of the amount of fat that surrounds the eye, otherwise known as orbital volume.

Neither of the aforementioned eyelid/orbital rim/cheek issues is a true tear trough deformity. When hollowness in the area between the rim of eye socket bone and the side of the nose exists, this is a true tear trough deformity. One can envision or see how tears would roll down this 'facial gutter'. Medically speaking, the tear trough is the nasojugal fold. a normal anatomic indentation for most people. But if it becomes aesthetically too deep, usually with aging, it is referred to as a tear trough depression. Such a depression near the eye contributes to a visible sign of aging.

It is easy to see how many confuse tear troughs, cheek/orbital rim hypoplasia, and decreased orbital volume. All affect the eye area but the treatments for each are quite different.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

Injecting Youth - Facts Vs Fiction on Botox and Injectable Fillers

By Dr Barry Eppley

The recent phenomenon and popularity of Botox and injectable fillers for quick temporary fixes of cosmetic facial concerns has led many to consider or have these treatments. Because of their prevalence throughout our society and the resultant marketing behind them, many patients are confused and have inaccurate information as to what these cosmetic treatments can and cannot due.

Botox is a muscle-paralyzing agent that helps diminish unwanted facial expressions. Botox is for the treatment of dynamic wrinkles. (lines and wrinkles that form when we express ourselves. Most of Botox treatments are done for glabellar furrows (between the eyebrows), forehead lines, and crow's feet (around the eyes) wrinkles. Botox injections are quick to perform and leave no trace that they were done. It takes about one week for its effects to kick in so results are not instantaneous. Botox injections will last around 4 months for most people. With continued use over time, many patients report that Botox lasts longer, often 6 months or greater in time.

Injectable fillers are synthetic plumping agents. Injectable fillers is for the treatment of either static wrinkling (lines and wrinkles that are present when we have no facial expression) or for lip enlargement. As of today, there are eleven (11) commercially-available injectable fillers to choose from which are manufactured form either collagen, hyaluronic acid, or beaded materials. While this number can make the right product selection difficult (and all the marketing hype from the manufacturers doesn't help), there is a simple way to cut through the clutter. All injectable fillers work, they mainly differ in how long they last and what they cost. The longer-lasting injectable fillers cost more. You basically are paying for how long you want it to last.

To find out many more details about Botox and injectable fillers, read the my new ebook entitled 'Injecting Youth - Changing The Face Of Plastic Surgery' available at

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

Face the Facts - Insights on Cosmetic Facial Surgery

By Dr Barry Eppley

Cosmetic surgery of the face is more popular than ever. People are interested in looking more refreshed, less tired, and sometimes changing how their face looks regardless of their age. And people are doing it at a younger age than ever before. With the popularity of this type of facial surgery, comes the expected marketing promotions and hype particularly prevalent on the internet, magazines, and newspaper ads. What is real and what is hype?

Learn that a facelift does nothing much for most of the face. Eyelid tucks are the best value of all cosmetic facial surgeries. There are different ways to do browlifts, some which may lengthen or shorten your forehead. Nosejobs are done 'open' because the results are so much better. Cheek and chin implants are simple operations that can make a big difference. Thin lips may not always be made bigger by injectable fillers. Botox sometimes is better than surgery. Ear pinning doesn't involve any pins and it is easy to do. And much more....

These insights are given in greater depth and on many more facial cosmetic surgery procedures in the ebook entitled 'Face The Facts - An Inside Look At Plastic Surgery' available at Get the perspective of a plastic surgeon who has been doing these facial procedures for years and learn what works, what doesn't, and how to spend your cosmetic dollar wisely. While hope lives eternal, having realistic expectations and knowing how to get the best bang for your dollar is what makes patients happy.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

Thursday, November 6, 2008

How to Become a Successful Candidate For a Tummy Tuck

By Violet Williams

If you have ever belonged to a gym, you have no doubt noticed that there are four main groups of people. The first group is the fitness fanatics. These people have bodies of steel, and spend just as much time looking in the mirrors at themselves as they do exercising. Then there are the old people who are told that they have to exercise to make their joints more limber. There are the very obese people who try to exercise without success, and lastly, the average people who have been going to the gym for a while now, but still have a soft middle.

If you belong to this last category, then you are most likely an excellent candidate for a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure wherein a woman's excess fat is removed, and her excess skin and muscles tightened. Unfortunately, a tummy tuck has become the source of rumors swirling around Hollywood celebrities, but in reality, it has helped many women get their self esteem back.

Take, for example, the situation involving a woman who has had multiple pregnancies. Understandably, these pregnancies will result in weight gain, and weakened muscles. Thus, the midsection of a mother can become quite flabby. In order to be considered an optimal candidate for a tummy tuck, the woman needs to be within ten to twenty pounds of her ideal weight to begin with. Once the procedure is done, results will start becoming more and more noticeable, with optimal results obtained within a few months.

More information on tummy tuck and a plastic surgeon in your area is just a click away.

SmartLipo - Fat Removal With Minimal Downtime

By Spero Theodorou

Gone are the days when one could only think of traditional options to lose weight and get in shape. Technological advancements have made things easier for those who are looking for safe and effective ways for fat reduction and body toning. Due to the promising results and pain free procedure, SmartLipo is at high demands nowadays. SmartLipo is considered to be the first and only laser-assisted lipolysis system that uses laser technology to melt away those stubborn fat cells from your body parts.

Good Procedure for Localized Fat Reduction

This revolutionary and minimally invasive procedure promises successful fat removal with minimal downtime and less side effects. The advantages of Smart Lipo over other liposuction methods are listed below.

• Very rapid results

• Tightens the skin around the treatment area

• Minimal discomfort

• Fast treatment time

• Rapid recovery, patients can return to regular activities within a few days

• Safer procedure than traditional liposuction

• Less risk of bleeding and bruising

Brings Lasting Results, Quickly and Painlessly

This fat treatment technique is a smarter choice for people who have excess body fat that will not respond to diet and exercise. Excess fat deposits can be removed from specific areas of the body including the chin, cheeks, neck, outer and inner thighs, upper arms, knees, buttocks, waist, and more. It can be performed under local anesthesia and require only one treatment session per area. Those people in good health with normal body weight, but who have specific areas of stubborn fat are eligible to undergo this procedure.

Though it is one of the safest cosmetic procedures than traditional liposuction; the complications involved are the same such as infection and bleeding. You should keep in mind that SmartLipo does not make you healthier, but its main aim is to beautify you and helping you improve your overall appearance.

Dr. Spero Theodorou is an experienced Manhattan plastic surgeon in New York City. As a leading New York City Smart Lipo surgeon, Doctor Spero Theodorou specializes in Smartlipo MPX treatments. Park Avenue Smart lipo is the first plastic surgery group in Manhattan to offer the latest Laser Body Sculpting technology from Cynosure.

Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer

By Markus Bogusch

Many women have the desire for a bigger breast. The modern plastic surgery makes it possible. However, some people are afraid of the consequences. They are afraid because they have a foreign body in her breast. More and more popular, is a new method of breast enlargement by implantation of own fat. This method is used in Japan and the United States and is often used for breast enlargement. Many cosmetic surgeons abroad were always technically more developed than in Germany. Patients have a liposuction in legs or abdomen and the fat from there will be injected in the breast afterwards. In each breast can be 200 and 300 milliliters of adipose tissue injected. This method sounds for many women initially very well and is a good alternative to silicone implants. At the same time, even the unloved fat on legs or abdomen is removed. However, there are some problems with this method.

The biggest drawback of this method is the possibility of confusion with a tumor in mammography. After the injection with own fat there will be calcium deposits. These will look like tumors. Therefore, it is often a false alarm and cancer screening is much more difficult. When using silicone implants, this is not the case.

After breast augmentation with silicone implants there are no problems with cancer screening and the results are not disturbed.

Another disadvantage is the reduction of fat induced after a few years. The fat comes in the process of degradation and the breast looses volume. Because of that, the procedure has to be repeated some times and this results in new risks, pain and costs for the surgery.

Today, the silicone implants are so well developed that they can stand the test of time and this is even guaranteed by the manufacturer.

For more information visit our website. Our clients receive informations about plastic surgeries like facelifting liposuction, breast augmentation and body lifts in foreign countries and can save a lot of money.

Cosmetic Surgery Holidays Continued

By James P Wilkinson

Cosmetic surgery operations abroad are becoming more and more common as people try to save money on the cosmetic surgery procedures they'd been planning before the credit crunch took hold.

For countries in the EU there are of course regulations which dictate the level of health and safety requirements and the standard of care that should be given to patients. But this does not mean that the surgeon is required to be a member of any governing body to ensure they carry out cosmetic surgery to the highest standard. This also does not mean that you will receive the standard of aftercare you would expect when using an accredited surgeon/hospital in the UK.

For surgery such as lap band placement or gastric bypass you would expect to pay up to £11,000 in the UK with a reputable firm and this should guarantee you receive the best quality care during and after the procedure. If you were to travel to a European country such as Turkey you may find this procedure priced for a tenth of this figure and, rather than thinking this is a bargain, you should ask yourself where the corners are being cut.

During any surgical procedure where you will be required to undergo a general anaesthetic there should be a highly trained and experienced anaesthetist present throughout the procedure. An anaesthetist of course costs money and you may find that they will not be present during the intermediate stages of your procedure.

Providing post operative care during your recovery is also costly and you may find that there is only a minimal level provided when opting for such a cheap package. It is easy to think that the extra money you can expect to pay in the UK is simply profit for the company arranging the surgery but you have to remember that there is profit in it for the company you use when travelling abroad for cosmetic surgery. There is of course then little money left over to pay for your care during and after the procedure.

If you are considering cosmetic surgery procedures in the UK such as lap band surgery you should seek an accredited surgeon who is registered with BAPRAS or BAAPS to ensure this weight loss surgery runs smoothly.

Cosmetic Surgery and the Pink Pound

By James P Wilkinson

While our American counterparts may be resisting the urge to opt for cosmetic surgery - resulting in a slow down for 60% of US cosmetic surgeons - it seems that a new sector of society is opting for surgery and this it seems will see UK surgeons through the recession.

A recent survey in a well known magazine showed that almost a quarter of gay men had undergone plastic surgery (22%) and a further 69% would consider it. The money this brings in, or the pink pound as it has been nicknamed, has gone some way to making up for the dip caused by the credit crunch.

It appears that men in general are increasingly opting for cosmetic surgery which has resulted in a 20% increase in the last 5 years. Procedures such as nose surgery, male breast reduction and tummy tucks have all become increasingly popular.

It doesn't just stop there, business men in particular have taken to opting for non surgical fillers and Botox in an effort to continue appearing younger for longer which some see to be a sign of success.

A large percentage of the men who opt for cosmetic surgery are of course gay and there is apparently a greater emphasis placed on looking good in the gay community. Surprisingly Gay men are thought to earn £5203 over the national average which of course gives them greater spending power.

It has been noted that many gay men have at some stage in their lives been bullied which may result in them being less confident about their appearance. Whatever the reason it appears that gay men see their appearance as very important and will do whatever it takes to keep looking fresh faced and youthful.

If you are considering cosmetic surgery procedures in the UK such as weight loss surgery you should seek an accredited surgeon who is registered with BAPRAS or BAAPS to ensure this plastic surgery runs smoothly.

What Can Rhinoplasty Do For Me?

By Dr Barry Eppley

An attractive nose is a nose that fits your face. It is a natural-looking nose that achieves a harmonious balance with your other facial features. If you feel that your nose is not a good fit, you may benefit from cosmetic surgery of the nose.

Cosmetic surgery of the nose, technically called rhinoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure to improve the appearance of the nose. You may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty of you have any of the following conditions:

- Your nose appears too large for your face

- There is a bump or depression on the bridge of the nose when seen in profile

- The nose seems too wide when seen from the front

- The middle part of the nose looks pinched

- The tip of the nose droops down

- The tip of the nose is thick and wide

- Your nostrils flair too much

- Your nose is crooked or off-center

- You have had a nasal injury or fracture which makes your nose look asymmetric

- You have trouble breathing through your nose.

Rhinoplasty can be performed on men and women of almost any age. I usually don't like to do rhinoplasty until someone is past puberty...about age 13 or 14 for girls and about 14 or 15 for boys. There is no upper age limit for rhinoplasty. It can be done at ages 70 or 80!

Rhinoplasty can be done for cosmetic purposes only or done in conjunction with surgery to correct internal breathing problems as well. Simultaneously correcting breathing problems causes a longer recovery after rhinoplasty with more nasal stuffiness. In some cases, health insurance may cover the costs of the breathing part of the procedure.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

Different Cheek Implants For Different Problems

By Dr Barry Eppley

The cheek area is a central and critical element of one's facial appearance. Situated between the pyramidal landmarks of the eye, mouth, and jaw angle, its prominence (or lack thereof) provides projection to the middle of the face. In today's society, the perception of high or prominent cheekbones is one that is a positive statement about attractiveness and beauty. It is not clear why high cheekbones cast this image, but we all know the emotional response when we see it.

Today's plastic surgery techniques and modern facial implants now make it possible to provide a wide range of cheek enhancements. Highlighting different areas of the cheek complex is made possible because of the many different styles of cheek implants that are available. Different cheek implant shapes are available that can enhance the front, side, underside, as well as the bone underneath the eye in front of the cheek. Because of these different style options, it is critical that a plastic surgeon look carefully at the anatomy of the cheek to determine which parts of it should be improved.

The 'traditional' cheek implant is really like a shell which covers all aspects of the curved cheek, adding volume to the front and sides of it in equal amounts. For those patients with really flat cheeks, this is usually a good choice. The implant can be slid further forward or further to the back of the cheek to customize its effects. Submalar cheek implants sit more on the underside of the cheek bone. They push up loose overhanging cheek tissue and , as a result, are more ideal for the aging patient with loose or sagging cheek skin. They also are good for patients who have had loss of the buccal fat pad and hollowing of this area. (facial lipoatrophy, e.g., HIV disease) Because the submalar implant fills the upper part of the buccal space as well as the underside of the bone, a dual effect is achieved. Tear trough implants are not really cheek implants per se. They fill underneath the eye area which is in front of the cheek. For those patients with some good cheek width but flattening of the bone in front of the cheek, this is the only facial implant made for that use. Sometimes it can be used in combination with a traditional cheek implant for greater fill of a flat midface.

To get the best effect from these different cheek implant styles, their position on the bone is critical. For this reason, I always secure any style of cheek implants to the bone with screws. This is the only way to be certain of their long-term position after surgery.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

Types of Face Lift Surgery

By Amy Nutt

A rhytidectomy, the technical term for a face lift, is a fairly common cosmetic surgery that it utilized to restore a more youthful appearance. It can encompass any manner of smaller face related surgeries or involve a simple lift. For example, rhinoplasty (nose job) or Blepharoplasty (eye surgery) are not considered face lifts per se, both may be performed in conjunction with a face lift.

Yet and still, you can opt to simply have the face lift without the additional surgeries. It all really depends on the results you wish to obtain post surgery.

This is why an in office consultation is so important prior to considering any type of cosmetic surgery.

What to expect during face lift surgery consultations

Many of the people who wish to undergo a face lift are forty plus and seek the lift due to dissatisfaction with wrinkles and sagging skin. A visit with a board certified, reputable physician will help them assess the areas that are in need of correction and what it will take to remedy the situation.

You can discuss issues like downtime and the costs of surgery as well as financing options during this initial visit.

Face lifts procedures and techniques

As with any cosmetic surgery, a face lift is determined by the incision and the procedures utilized during the surgery. A good example of this is the SMAS (Submuscular Aponeurotic System) Lift. With this type of cosmetic surgery a plastic surgeon arranges the underlying musculature of the face to create a more youthful appearance. Liposuction is often combined with this procedure to get rid of any subcutaneous fat after which excess sagging skin is cut away. This skin is the sutured and sewn together.

Other types of face lifts include:

A neck lift: People hate the jowly or "waddle" neck appearance that can develop as we age. This sagging jaw line can age the face even more than wrinkles do. A basic chin lift may eradicate this problem but cosmetic surgery that concentrates on neck area can really provide a more dramatic, youthful look.

Mini lift: An outpatient procedure, it a mini face lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery that may not produce the results of a full face lift with a small incision by the ear. Also called a weekend face lift, this technique is best for individual between the ages of forty to fifty-years-old with small signs of aging to correct.

Traditional, old fashioned lift

The traditional face lift utilizes a larger incision but produces the most dramatic, overall results. Most people who opt for the full conventional lift are older with more signs of aging to correct. If need be, newer techniques, like SMAS can be combined to recontour the face and make it more youthful. Lipo is often performed in conjunction with this cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery additions and enhancements

Some men and women opt for surgical injections or additional surgeries like rhinoplasty or Blepharoplasty to complete the look they want. Non-invasive remedies like Botox or Restalyne injections can decrease the appearance of wrinkles that may be difficult to remove with skin excision alone.

The costs

On average, rhytidectomy surgery costs about $7,000 dollars but can go as high as $15,000 depending on the procedures and additional enhancements.

The best candidates for face lift, or any type of cosmetic surgery, are those who are psychologically sound and know what to expect. Plastic surgery will not make you look like someone else or appear to be a teenager again. Instead, you look like a more fabulous version of yourself at your current age! Keep this in mind as you hunt to find the best doctor and deal for your cosmetic surgery.

Offers a wide variety of treatments and cosmetic procedures, including rhinoplasty, liposuction, and otoplasty. Visit us at The Canadian Institute of Cosmetic Surgery in Montreal.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Is There Any Difference in the Differing Materials For Chin Implants?

By Dr Barry Eppley

Chin implants are a simple straightforward procedure that is very effective for improving horizontal deficiencies of the chin. Done through a small skin incision under the chin, the implant is slid into position on top of the chin bone. While there are different styles of chin implants for different cosmetic effects, the fundamental concept is that the chin implant provides a non-resorbable filler that expands the boundaries of the chin bone.

In addition to different styles, chin implants are also available in different materials. Occasionally asked by patients, does it matter what a chin implant is made of?

By far, the most common material used for chin implants is solid silicone or silicone rubber. It has the advantages of being very flexible and smooth which makes its insertion well as being easy to remove. Because it is a rubber material, it is easy to carve and shape should that be necessary. Because it is potentially 'slippery', I chose to stabilize it in position with a screw or two so that it does not move from where it is placed at the time of surgery. Because it is injection molded, it can be manufactured into any shape and size very inexpensively which accounts for the large number of silicone chin implant options. From a biologic perspective, it results in a layer of scar developing around it after surgery, much like a breast implant. The chin implant simply lives inside this scar (capsule) where it is well tolerated by the body, presumably for the rest of the patient's lifetime.

Less commonly used but well known are chin implants made of high-density polyethylene, also known as Medpor. This material is much more firm and inflexible but its surface is irregular and semi-porous. Unlike silicone, this material makes the chin implant harder to insert (requiring a bigger incision)...and remove if necessary...but it has frictional resistance against the bone so that it does not slide around as easily once positioned in place. This material is much harder and shaping it can only really be done with a powered rotary instrument. From a biologic perspective, a surrounding scar is still formed but it sticks to the implant better as the scar has grown into the pores of the surface of the chin implant. An argument can be made that this ingrowth of tissue into the implant is more biologic and better to resist infection. But the incidence of chin implant infections is so low that any real differences between the two materials is impossible to determine.

A third material exists that of polytetrafluoroetylene (PTFE) or Gore-Tex. It is most similar to silicone rubber because of its flexibility and ease of shaping with a scalpel. A smooth surrounding scar envelopes it as well after placement.

Do any of these materials make a difference? In my In the end the body treats all of them the same...with an enveloping scar that is not really different or conveys any superiority. Whichever material the plastic surgeon is most comfortable with is the best material for your chin implant procedure.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

What Exactly is a Tummy Tuck?

By Caroline Trump

A Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal area, or tummy. In most cases, stretched, weakened, and separated muscles are restored, creating an abdominal profile that is both smoother and firmer.

A full tummy tuck involves a horizontal incision between the pubic hairline and the bellybutton. The size of the incision will be determined by the extent of the surgery needed to perform the tummy tuck. Through the incision, abdominal muscles are repaired, as fat and excess skin are cut away. After the procedure is complete, the incisions are closed with sutures, tape, or clips.

Following the surgery, incisions are bandaged and an elastic band is placed around the stomach area to reduce swelling and give support to the abdomen.

Immediately after surgery and for about a week, improvement may not be noticed due to swelling and the inability to stand up straight because of the repair to the muscle. After the swelling goes down and the muscles begin to heal, the result will be a flatter, smoother, tighter looking tummy.

Many men are also considering tummy tucks in this age of cosmetic awareness. They have been dieting and working out and although they have lost the weight and toned the muscles, the belly fat remains. A tummy tuck can give them their six pack back!

Women who have had a tummy tuck know the value of the procedure. The belly fat they have been unable to lose regardless of the diets and exercise seems to magically disappear with a tummy tuck.

As with most cosmetic surgical procedures, cost is the main factor that keeps most people from following through with the surgery; however, with lower cost procedures being offered in foreign countries such as the Dominican Republic, more people than ever are spending their vacation time having plastic surgeries and recovering in the relaxing resort atmosphere.

The Standard Tummy Tuck in the Extreme Weight Loss Patient

By Dr Barry Eppley

The extra skin and fat around the waistline is usually the most common concern for most extreme weight loss patients. It is the most frequently requested procedure in this patient group and is usually done first in the priority of body contouring procedures. In cases of only moderate skin excess, a more simple and traditional tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) may suffice.

Like a more typical cosmetic patient, the tummy tuck in the weight loss patient is a frontal procedure that results in a hip to hip scar. An elliptical cutout of skin and fat is done that starts low at the level of the pubic hairline and stops just above the belly button. The excision patterm looks like a horizontally shaped football. The key is that the cutout goes above the belly button, which differentiates it from a limited or mini-tummy tuck in which the cutout goes below the belly button. It is very uncommon to do a limited tummy tuck in the extreme weight loss patient. This type pf cutout pattern in a full tummy tuck results in both a low horizontal scar that extends from one hip prominence to the other but a circular scar around the newly created belly button. (umbilicus)

As part of the tummy tuck, the abdominal muscles (vertical rectus muscles) are sewn closer together to help provide further flattening of the stomach area. There is a common misconception about this part of the procedure. The actual muscles are not really sewn together but the covering of the muscles are, known as the fascia. A running vertical row of sutures, from just below the breast bone down to the pubis, is placed to create a horizontal tightening effect across the stomach. In some patients, this effect is significant while in others this muscle tightening does not make a dramatic visual flattening effect. For this reason, not every tummy tuck patient needs this part of the procedure. If not done, the amount of pain after surgery is dramatically reduced.

Every tummy tuck patient gets drain tubes placed during surgery. These drainage tubes remain for an average of 10 to 14 days after surgery. They are critical to avoid a fluid collection over the stomach area after surgery.

This relatively simple tummy tuck in the extreme weight loss or bariatric patient represents about 1/3 of the types of tummy tucks that I do for this patient population. Whether this tummy tuck version, or a more extended one is necessary, depends on the amount of extra skin and fat that the patient has.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

SmartLipo - Answer to Removing Unwanted Body Fat

By Spero Theodorou

Many women out there must probably just be waiting to slip into their favorite bikini but can't because of those so called trouble areas. Many men would like their body to look more impressive than it presently is. For such people and those yearning for a tighter, toned body; SmartLipo, a laser aided liposuction modality holds out more than just hope.

The SmartLipo Revolution:

Developed at first in Italy, SmartLipo is a kind of revolutionary cosmetic surgery. It is in fact the first and sole lipolysis system to be laser assisted. Candidates for the treatment ideally are no more than 25 lbs (approx. 11.34 kilos) short of their most apt weight; quite healthy; and have had unsatisfactory results through exercise and cutting down on fatty foods.

Among many advantages associated with the SmartLipo process are the following:

• Requires only a very small surgical incision.

• In most cases, a single treatment is generally all that's required.

• Use of local, not general anesthesia.

• Causes a certain degree of cellulite reduction.

• Most of the time, new fat is not created after the process.

• Normal activities can be resumed within just a few days of the procedure being performed.

The Science of SmartLipo

A long vacant tube called a cannula is introduced into the targeted fat pocket. To and fro movement of the cannula and dispersion of laser energy causes draining away of the fat cells, and collagen shrinkage. SmartLipo is unique in that it makes use of a dual platform laser MPX, dual in the sense that one can be used for skin tightening and the other for fat melting. Depending on the skin quality and body type of the patient, the operating surgeon can alternate between the two blends.

Worth a Try!

It can't be denied that Smartlipo therapy is quite expensive and for many, not affordable. However, if you want a treatment that removes fat for the long term, it's worth a try.

Dr. Spero Theodorou is an experienced Manhattan plastic surgeon in New York City. As a leading New York City Smart Lipo surgeon, Doctor Spero Theodorou specializes in Smartlipo MPX treatments. Park Avenue Smart Lipo is the first plastic surgery group in Manhattan to offer the latest Laser Body Sculpting technology from Cynosure.

Teens and Breast Implants

By Brenda Williams

Breast augmentation surgery is not a decision to make lightly. Surgery is surgery, no matter how popular the procedure, with all the risks inherent to a surgical procedure. It is even more important to weigh all your options carefully when it is a teenage girl inquiring about having breast augmentation, considering the fact that the teen's breast size and shape are still changing and will continue to change until her mid-20s. While your teen may feel her breasts are 'too small', she may not realize everything could change in a short period of time. However, if breast augmentation seems like a solution after careful consideration and a thorough consultation with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, this additional information will be helpful to you:

Although breast augmentation surgery is statistically safe, there are risks, including:

• Anesthesia risks

• Likelihood of another surgery in 5-10 years

• Potential breast pain or hardness and nipple numbness

• Breast implant replacement in several years

• Implant issues such dimpling, wrinkling or puckering upon removal

• Expense: Health insurance may not cover necessary corrective surgeries

• Mammography may be interfered with

Consulting with a reputable board-certified plastic surgeon and with hospital operating privileges at the hospital where you would like your procedure performed is very important. Additionally, your surgeon will take the time necessary to fully evaluate your teen's needs, both physically and psychologically.

These tips from The American Society of Plastic Surgeons are very important:

• Your teen must make the final decision on her own. While parental support is important, your teen will have to live with the decision to have surgery.

• Realistic goal setting is key. Surgery has limitations. Breast augmentation will not solve the problems many teens face simply growing up.

• Learn all the facts before making a final decision. Recovery from breast augmentation surgery can be painful. Rules of recovery must be followed explicitly speedy and complete recovery. Your teen must be emotionally mature enough to make the commitment to recovery.

• Teens who are highly emotional, abusing drugs or alcohol, or suffering from depression are strongly encouraged to wait until an older age to have the surgery.

Most importantly, teens and parents must take the time to patiently and calmly discuss the surgery, any costs out of pocket, and how the recovery period will be managed. In today's society, a great deal of peer pressure is placed on female teens regarding looks and sexuality. It seems the 'beautiful people' are rewarded, so it is no surprise teens are demanding breast augmentation surgery at younger ages. But that breast implant surgery may be a permanent solution to a temporary problem, since teen breast size and shape resolve as the teen matures into her 20s and beyond. It is very important for teenagers to feel they fit in, so be sure to talk honestly with your teen before making any decision to move forward with breast augmentation. Between 2002 and 2003, teen breast augmentation jumped 24%. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends females be 18 years of age and older before undergoing breast augmentation and cautions that this surgery should be carefully considered over a period of time.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

SmartLipo - Melts Fat and Tightens Skin

By Spero Theodorou

Tried out all sorts of diet and exercise programs, but specific areas of your body simply refuse to tone up? Then SmartLipo is definitely the better solution to go with. It is a minimally invasive treatment that use advanced laser technology to dissolve unwanted fat from your face and body.

SmartLipo - A Smart Laser Liposuction Procedure That Works

SmartLipo melts fat and tightens skin, thus helps to enhance your beauty and maintain a fresh and youthful appearance. This procedure is probably most applicable for candidates who are in good health with normal weight having specific areas of stubborn fat. It requires only minimal downtime and produces promising results, with far less discomfort and bruising. SmartLipo can be performed virtually on any parts of the body where there is excess fat. Body areas that can be treated with this technique are neck, face, love handles, back, upper arms, abdomen, knees and inner and outer thighs.

SmartLipo's Benefits and Advantages

This laser body contouring system affords many advantages over traditional liposuction methods. Listed here are some of the advantages associated with SmartLipo.

• Smoothest, best body contouring results

• Minimal downtime

• Minimal discomfort

• Requires only local anesthesia, therefore no side effects

• Lesser bruising

• No incisions or suturing involved

• Quick recovery

• Minimal pain

Gain Desired Aesthetic Results

After undergoing this treatment, most routine activities can be resumed within a few days. Typically, only one treatment session is required per area and you can see significant improvements within a few weeks, and continued improvement of the procedure are realized in up to 4 months.

Dr. Spero Theodorou, a talented New York City plastic surgeon, runs Park Avenue Smart Lipo, the only New York City SmartLipo training facility. Doctor Spero J. Theodorou offers safe and efficacious Smart Lipo treatments at his AAASF (American Association Ambulatory Surgical Facilities) accredited center in New York City.

Advantages of Mini Facelift

By Spero Theodorou

Mini facelift, also known as mini lift, limited-incision facelift, S lift (short scar lift) is a highly effective technique used to freshen up your natural beauty and to improve your self-confidence. The procedure repositions the skin and soft tissues of the face that show signs of aging, thus endowing patients with a more youthful appearance without a pinched or pulled look.

Best Candidates for Mini Facelifts

Mini facelift is probably most applicable to patients, those under 50 years of age. This procedure can be carried out painlessly under local anesthesia. When done properly in accordance with the skin quality of the patient, it brings amazing results that lasts anywhere from 8 to 10 years. In normal cases, recovery times following a mini face lift is anywhere between 10 days to two weeks. Depending upon the amount of work done and size of the area affected, it varies slightly.

Natural Results, Minimal Scarring

Mini facelift is a good and effective procedure, with more advantages than traditional facelift. This technique produces better cosmetic results with minimal scarring that is nearly invisible, and this one of the great advantages.

Mentioned below are some other advantages of the mini facelift:

• Natural-looking results

• Coagulation resulting in tissue tightening

• Minimum downtime

• Lesser bruising or swelling

• Rapid recovery

• Lower cost than a full facelift

As with all surgery, there are risks of hematoma, infection, skin discoloration, or poor wound healing.

It's So Safe

Mini lift can be performed individually or in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures for a remarkable overall improvement. The end results of mini facelift are beautiful, positive aesthetic results, which are natural in appearance. There are many instances of people who have done the procedure and very impressed by the results.

Dr. Spero Theodorou is an experienced and talented Manhattan plastic surgeon in New York City. Doctor Spero Theodorou specializes in short scar facelifts, SmartLipo treatments and other plastic surgery procedures and all areas of body and facial enhancements.

Cosmetic Surgery - The Options

By James P Wilkinson

We hear of stars undergoing cosmetic surgery every day and lately it seems that, one after another, they hot foot it on to our TV screens to let us follow their surgical trip to a new face, body and lifestyle. We've all heard of procedures such as facelift and breast enlargement surgery, but what else is it possible to change in an increasingly age obsessed society?

• Blepharoplasty (eye bag removal) - to many, the lines and aging of the face is of paramount importance, but we sometimes forget that the area around the eyes can give the game away. If you suffer from a swollen under eye area, with excess fat and skin, you can undergo this surgery to remove it and give you back a youthful and refreshed appearance.

• Breast uplift surgery - for many reasons, including aging, pregnancy and weight loss; the breasts can sag and droop. This can be corrected during breast lift surgery by removing excess tissue from below the breast and repositioning the nipple at the correct level. Sometimes this is combined with the insertion of a breast implant if the breasts are too small - this is known as breast uplift and augmentation.

• Brow Lift surgery - this involves small incisions being made in the hairline above the brow after which an endoscope with camera is inserted to allow the surgeon to remove some of the muscle tissue to create a smoother and more relaxed forehead and brow area.

There are many cosmetic surgery procedures to improve just about every area of your body and face, whether it be to remove unwanted body fat, enhance the shape of your face by inserting chin and cheek implants or just to improve you facial symmetry and profile by enhancing your nose.

If you are considering a cosmetic surgery procedure such as nose surgery you should seek an accredited surgeon who is registered with BAPRAS or BAAPS to ensure any plastic surgery procedures you receive run smoothly.

Cosmetic Surgery - The Effect of the Credit Crunch

By James P Wilkinson

You'd think that in these - the days of the credit crunch - business would be slowing for cosmetic surgery practices. This may certainly be the case for some of the big money items, but minor procedures such as Botox injections and fillers are becoming more popular than ever.

Is this due to increased level of knowledge that members of the public now display in this area? It certainly seems so, and with a host of celebrities allowing us to follow their plastic surgery adventures in minute detail and shows such as Channel 4's "10 years younger" showing how cosmetic surgery can be very effective if utilized properly, we have never been better informed.

It's worth remembering that with these minor, non surgical procedures, there is little or no recovery time. This of course means that any changes you see will be only minor in terms of perhaps their ability to remove lines and signs of aging - for a more life changing procedure you will need to consider cosmetic surgery procedures such as facelift surgery and lower eye bag removal surgery (Blepharoplasty).

Should you decide to opt for a non surgical procedure such as dermal filling to erase nasolabular lines (the lines that originate from each side of the nose and travel to the side of the mouth) this type of procedure can be carried out using a local anesthetic and is usually quick and painless. The same applies for application of products like Botox (sometimes referred to as Vistabel) making the whole procedure quick and friendly to the wallet.

These minor procedures can give you an idea of how you will look should you turn to cosmetic surgery and can be invaluable at helping you take the first step towards making a more permanent change.

If you are considering a cosmetic surgery procedure such as facelift surgery you should seek an accredited surgeon who is registered with BAPRAS or BAAPS to ensure any plastic surgery procedures you receive run smoothly.

Cosmetic Surgery Holidays

By James P Wilkinson

In an increasing trend, many are turning to seeking cosmetic surgery treatment abroad in a bid to save money, but, in doing so are they putting their health on the line?

Medical tourism seems to have become a worldwide phenomenon with people from many countries flying to locations where the treatment will be much cheaper. Surgeons in some countries are even teaming up with luxury hotels to offer full cosmetic surgery holiday packages. Tours can even be included to make your stay perfect, and if you're thinking all this sounds too good to be true, you're probably right.

Firstly you need to consider that regulations may not be as stringent in some of these countries and the surgeons will not be an accredited member of any governing body that is recognised in the UK. This of course means that there are no guarantees as to the quality of treatment and aftercare you can expect.

There have been horror stories of breast implants bursting during the flight home as they have not been placed correctly. There are many instances of patients having to pay for expensive and painful repair/reconstructive surgery once back in the UK to fix the work that has been undertaken so carelessly on their person.

In the UK there are 2 main governing bodies in the field of cosmetic surgery and you should be worried if any cosmetic surgeon you approach is not an accredited member. Being a member of these organisations should ensure that any treatment you receive is of a high standard.

The 2 in question are; BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons) BAAPS (British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons). Both of these Associations ensure that their members carry out work to the highest standard and this also covers the aftercare that is given.

It appears the old adage is right with regards to cosmetic surgery - you quite simply get what you pay for.

If you are considering a cosmetic surgery procedure such as breast augmentation you should seek an accredited surgeon who is registered with BAPRAS or BAAPS to ensure any plastic surgery procedures you receive run smoothly.

Plastic Surgery Reshaping the Abdomen After Extreme Weight Loss

By Dr Barry Eppley

One of the main concerns of almost all extreme weight loss patients is the extra skin and fat that hangs around the waistline. While weight loss can occur differently around the body, the abdominal and waistline deformity occurs most commonly. Unlike the typical woman undergoing a traditional cosmetic tummy tuck, the abdominal operations in the extreme weight loss patient are frequently different as the skin excess is more extensive. There is an extra dimensions of skin that not only create vertical excess but also potentially circumferential as well. This creates a total of five different types of tummy ruck procedures.

The traditional tummy tuck may still apply to some weight loss patients if the skin excess is not that great. In the standard full tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), skin and fat is removed a large ellipse removing skin from the pubis up to above the bellybutton. A full tummy tuck also includes tightening of the abdominal muscles and may involve liposuction around the sides of the waist.

An extended tummy tuck is simply a full tummy tuck that goes further back around the waistline. More skin and fat is removed around the sides of the waistline due to more loose hanging skin. The scar goes further back around the waist but stops short of the middle of the back. Many extreme weight loss patients need this form of tummy tuck as is the most common in my experience.

Some patient's skin is so loose that a horizontal cutout of skin still does not give a great result. This skin excess lies above the belly button and has folds in the vertical dimension. When this exists, a combined horizontal and vertical cutout is needed and does a much better job of bringing in the sides of the waistline. This type of tummy tuck is known as the anchor or fleur-de-lis. It creates a vertical scar down the middle of the abdomen as well as a low horizontal one. In bariatric patients in the past, this extra scarring was not usually a concern as a midline scar may have already existed from an open bariatric procedure. Today, almost all bariatric surgeries are done laparoscopically so this vertical scar may be more of a concern.

The most extensive tummy tuck is the circumferential body lift. This is really a combination of two operations, a frontal tummy tuck and a back buttock lift. The frontal tummy tuck in the body lift is a standard horizontal one.

The last, and rarely used , type of abdominal contouring procedure is the reverse tummy tuck. In this procedure the abdominal cutout is done high above the belly button. Rather than pulling excess skin down, skin is pulled up in the opposite direction. The resulting scar will be horizontal and high along the breast folds in a women or in the chest crease in a man. This procedure is usually reserved for those patients who have already had a lower tummy tuck but still has residual skin excess up high that remains bothersome.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

A Few Things to Consider and Expect When Deciding on Breast Implants

By Billings Farnsworth

Every year women look into getting breast implants for various reasons. This is just as true in San Diego as any other location in the world. It used to be the only reason people would associate breast implants with were just a person who wanted to augment their natural size. Breast implants have also been used in females who have had to get a breast removed due to breast cancer. It's a great uplift to these women whose self esteem may plummet due to the loss of a breast and a feeling of womanhood.

So how do you know if breast implants are right for you? Well most of the sites will have a quick test you can take that will go over why you want the implants and also give you some insight as to what you might have to deal with post-surgically. These include nipple becomes less sensitive and scar tissue.

There is no doubt that since the opportunity for women to increase their size came along the advances in technology and surgery procedures is greatly refined. With this advancement comes a shorter time of getting healthy after you have gone and got your breast surgery.

Of course the choices of breast implants come in all sorts of sizes and shapes, so you have numerous choices. In fact it's amazing at what you have to decide on, you can get a smooth or textured implant, round or shaped saline or silicone. Funny how many things you can change about your look with one surgery that takes around 1 to 2 hours.

Now when it comes to deciding between saline or silicone, what is the difference? The big advantage of saline is due to the fact if for some reason they would break open saline is just salt water and your body will easily dissolve that product. However with saline you may notice ripples in your breast. Silicone has been around much longer, but if it ruptures your body can't dissolve it as well. So think about what you wish to do before you go in to get the surgery.

Of course this surgery is not risk free; every surgery you can have will have the ability to go bad in one way of another. So sometimes you may experience a complication that will make your recovery time much longer. After getting an implant you may have mammograms that show up as obstructed. You also will not be able to breast feed, so if you're planning on having children and have always wanted to breast feed, hold off on this surgery until a later date. And as talked about earlier you might run into leakage.

Whichever way you decide to go on size and texture and type just make sure that your surgeon is one of quality. Go out and look into getting your breast implants in your home town of San Diego and rest easy.

If you're considering breast implant in San Diego, where the demand is high and the prices steep, try calling the Premier Plastic Surgery Group of Utah ( Our board certified doctors are able to provide high quality service at a much lower price. Billings Farnsworth is a freelance writer.

Monday, November 3, 2008

How a Plastic Surgeon Helps

By Violet Williams

When people look at Hollywood celebrities in pictures or in their movies, they are lead to believe that they are perfect looking people. Yes, some of them are definitely better than average looking, but others would not look the way that they do unless they had a little help.

There is a joke that celebrities have their plastic surgeon on speed dial. While this can be thought of as an exaggeration, it would not have come about if the work of a plastic surgeon were not deemed very important. After all, for celebrities, they depend on how good they look in order to keep their job.

However, a plastic surgeon does not just help celebrities, he or she also helps everyday people who are looking to feel better about themselves. Sometimes this is purely for cosmetic reasons. For example, if a woman has never liked the shape of her nose, she can have it fixed with a procedure known as rhinoplasty. Or, if a man is dissatisfied with how his chin looks, he can actually have a chin implant!

Other times, a plastic surgeon gives self esteem back to people who have been born with a physical abnormality, or who have been injured in an accident. A particular example of the latter is when a person has been scarred in a fire. Thanks to skin transplant surgery, the surgeon can reconstruct the areas that have been damaged. So, instead of just associating this kind of surgery with Hollywood, remember that it can be so much more.

More information on male breast reduction and a plastic surgeon in your area is just a click away.

Contemporary Plastic Surgery Operations

By Trevor R. Price

The most popular plastic surgery procedures are rhytidectomy operations (face lifts), nose jobs (rhinoplasty), abdominoplasty (tummy tucks), liposuction and breast implants or augmentations. If you're interested in one of these procedures and want more information about these five common procedures, keep reading.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a permanent surgical procedure that takes about 1 to 2 hours. To augment the breasts, an implant is placed either behind or just above the pectoral muscle. These implants come in a variety of shapes, styles and materials, but the two most common types are saline and silicone.

Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction works by targeting a specific area of fat deposits on the patient's body. It's most effective on patients who are already at an average body weight but simply wish to perfect or minimize a pinpointed area of their body.

Liposuction is a fairly invasive surgical procedure and is typically performed under general anesthesia. First, your doctor marks the area to be treated, makes a small incision and then inserts a long needle just under the skin. The fat deposits are then scraped off the underside of the skin and suctioned out.


Also known as an abdominoplasty, the tummy tuck is a popular plastic surgery procedure. More than 8,000 abdominoplasty surgeries were performed in the state in the last year.

When a patient undergoes an abdominoplasty, they are placed under general anesthesia. Their surgeon then makes a V-shaped incision across the abdomen and just over the pubic region. At this point, the skin is lifted and the surgeon then repositions and tightens the abdominal muscles and excess skin.

Nose Job

A nose job - or rhinoplasty - was once the number one plastic surgery procedure. By reshaping the nose, a rhinoplasty can either diminish its size or give it a more traditionally attractive appearance.

The average plastic surgery patient needs about 1 to 2 weeks to recover visibly from a nose job. That said, the internal bruising and some external swelling won't fully diminish until approximately 4 to 6 months after the surgery.

Face Lift

A face lift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a comprehensive surgical procedure that can take several hours to complete, followed by weeks of recovery times. While not permanent, the effects of a good facelift typically last for about 10 years.

The purpose of a rhytidectomy is to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles, diminish sagging skin and get rid of jowls and other signs of aging, making the face more attractive and youthful in appearance.

For information on anti-aging surgeries - please visit - a popular site providing great youth preservation insights - such as a tummy tuck in Fort Worth - New York Botox - and many more!

Asymmetry in Breast Augmentation Surgery

By Dr Barry Eppley

One of the known complications of breast augmentation surgery is asymmetry between the two breasts after surgery. Of all potential complications with breast implants, such as infection, bleeding or other issues, asymmetry is the most common. It is the most common reason in my practice, accounting for over 90% of revisional surgeries, for a return trip to the operating room.

Why does breast implant asymmetry occur? First and foremost, it usually exists before surgery. And in many cases, breast implants will not make an existing asymmetry better. In fact, it often will make it worse after. (magnifying the problem as the breasts have gotten bigger) Therefore, it is critical that a good examination is done first so that the asymmetry is identified. Many times, the differences between the two breasts are quite small and can easily be missed. While there is often not much one can do about the breast differences, it is important that patient and plastic surgeon alike be aware that it exists so everyone will understand why any asymmetry is there after the breast augmentation procedure.

In some cases of breast asymmetry, a breast implant may make it better. In other cases, it may make it worse. How can you know what will happen? My experience is that if the horizontal position of the nipples is even, then the differences between the breasts with an implant may make it look better but certainly no worse. If the breasts are different and the nipples are horizontally at different levels, then the differences between the breasts will likely look even worse after surgery. Whether one needs to consider some additional procedure with the breast augmentation, such as a breast lift, is an option. Many patients think that placing a bigger implant in the asymmetric smaller breast will make up the difference. But this will usually not be helpful as one would think. That only works, as previously stated, if the nipples are at even horizontal levels.

Other reasons for breast asymmetry after breast augmentation is that the implants were inadvertently positioned in slightly different pocket locations or the patient's healing process caused a shifting. It is impossible to determine the exact cause in these cases where the breasts were fairly even to start with. Regardless of the reason, the need to perform revisional surgery exists if the patient wants a more symmetric result.

Potential breast augmentation patients need to be aware of the risk of asymmetry after breast augmentation. It is not a rare risk, occurring in about 3% to 5% of my breast augmentation patients despite my best efforts and awareness of it.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

Sunday, November 2, 2008

How to Get a Natural Facelift Result

By Dr Barry Eppley

As facelifts have become commonplace, so do the telltale signs of someone having had a facelift. Almost everyone knows or has seen someone that has had, in their opinion, a 'bad' facelift. More specifically, they find that the person may look strange or different after surgery. Most importantly, they look like they have had something done. The concern about not looking natural after a facelift is something patients question me about on a near daily basis.

What creates that 'operated' look is nearly the same in most patients. The face appears too tight, pulled back, and abnormal. In its most severe form, an actual line may be seen running from the corner of the mouth backward towards the ear. (flatteringly referred to as the Joker Line) While there are other obvious signs of having had a facelift, this is certainly the one that patients fear the most. And it is one that plastic surgeons can control. It is usually the result of pulling back too much skin and trying to work out every imperfection. One of the ways to avoid this problem is to manage the patient's expectations from the beginning. A facelift will do nothing for the mouth area, such as lifting up the corners or flattening the fold between the lip and cheek. (nasolabial fold) When you push the facelift to create changes in this area, the pull is too hard and too much skin is being removed. If a patient wants improvement in this area as well, other procedures with the facelift that directly address those problems need to be done. I have found that some patients want a facelift because they believe it will have a great impact on the mouth area...which is a misconception and a set up for disappointment.

When you put it into perspective, it is much better to have a non-obvious facelift result with a few residual lines and wrinkles than perfectly smooth skin that looks like your face is in a wind tunnel! While no plastic surgeon wants a patient to be disappointed (or hear complaints after surgery about this and that which still remains), the patient needs to make a preoperative choice. The smoothest result which may look obvious or a natural-looking facelift result that leaves some loose skin or wrinkles behind. Most, if not all, patients will choose the latter. By knowingly make this choice, the patient is being educated and their expectations about the result are being managed.

Other less obvious evidences of having a facelift would be the result of poor scar placement around the ears or an altered temporal hairline (tuft of hair in front of your ear) that is moved up too high. In my opinion, proper incision placement is one of, if not the most, important technical aspects of a facelift. Hiding scars around the ear and hairline well, with an adequate but not overdone tightening of the skin, are what makes for the most natural and best-looking facelift results.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at


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