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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Types of Face Lift Surgery

By Amy Nutt

A rhytidectomy, the technical term for a face lift, is a fairly common cosmetic surgery that it utilized to restore a more youthful appearance. It can encompass any manner of smaller face related surgeries or involve a simple lift. For example, rhinoplasty (nose job) or Blepharoplasty (eye surgery) are not considered face lifts per se, both may be performed in conjunction with a face lift.

Yet and still, you can opt to simply have the face lift without the additional surgeries. It all really depends on the results you wish to obtain post surgery.

This is why an in office consultation is so important prior to considering any type of cosmetic surgery.

What to expect during face lift surgery consultations

Many of the people who wish to undergo a face lift are forty plus and seek the lift due to dissatisfaction with wrinkles and sagging skin. A visit with a board certified, reputable physician will help them assess the areas that are in need of correction and what it will take to remedy the situation.

You can discuss issues like downtime and the costs of surgery as well as financing options during this initial visit.

Face lifts procedures and techniques

As with any cosmetic surgery, a face lift is determined by the incision and the procedures utilized during the surgery. A good example of this is the SMAS (Submuscular Aponeurotic System) Lift. With this type of cosmetic surgery a plastic surgeon arranges the underlying musculature of the face to create a more youthful appearance. Liposuction is often combined with this procedure to get rid of any subcutaneous fat after which excess sagging skin is cut away. This skin is the sutured and sewn together.

Other types of face lifts include:

A neck lift: People hate the jowly or "waddle" neck appearance that can develop as we age. This sagging jaw line can age the face even more than wrinkles do. A basic chin lift may eradicate this problem but cosmetic surgery that concentrates on neck area can really provide a more dramatic, youthful look.

Mini lift: An outpatient procedure, it a mini face lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery that may not produce the results of a full face lift with a small incision by the ear. Also called a weekend face lift, this technique is best for individual between the ages of forty to fifty-years-old with small signs of aging to correct.

Traditional, old fashioned lift

The traditional face lift utilizes a larger incision but produces the most dramatic, overall results. Most people who opt for the full conventional lift are older with more signs of aging to correct. If need be, newer techniques, like SMAS can be combined to recontour the face and make it more youthful. Lipo is often performed in conjunction with this cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery additions and enhancements

Some men and women opt for surgical injections or additional surgeries like rhinoplasty or Blepharoplasty to complete the look they want. Non-invasive remedies like Botox or Restalyne injections can decrease the appearance of wrinkles that may be difficult to remove with skin excision alone.

The costs

On average, rhytidectomy surgery costs about $7,000 dollars but can go as high as $15,000 depending on the procedures and additional enhancements.

The best candidates for face lift, or any type of cosmetic surgery, are those who are psychologically sound and know what to expect. Plastic surgery will not make you look like someone else or appear to be a teenager again. Instead, you look like a more fabulous version of yourself at your current age! Keep this in mind as you hunt to find the best doctor and deal for your cosmetic surgery.

Offers a wide variety of treatments and cosmetic procedures, including rhinoplasty, liposuction, and otoplasty. Visit us at The Canadian Institute of Cosmetic Surgery in Montreal.

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