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Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Dangers of TV Reality Shows

By Ed Vinicombe

Plastic surgery is something the world seems to now be accepting as mainstream. It is acknowledged in culture as normal. This never used to be the case. Plastic surgery used to be completely frowned upon it was never something that people would openly talk about.

Recently in Australia a reality TV program called, "The Biggest Loser" have led to an explosion in the cosmetic surgery industry. Exercise and miracle makeover programs are becoming so popular and it has now had a direct affect on public opinion. Cosmetic surgery is now more acceptable than it has ever been. I don't know whether this is bad or good? Sometimes, you could argue that plastic surgery is a good thing. It can make people feel better about themselves. However, because plastic surgery is treated as such a blasé topic in modern society, young girls are raised thinking that they need it, which is not good.

A study performed in Australia noted that there was an increase of 12% in cosmetic surgery in UK from 2006 to 2007. This figure just goes to show that people are more open to plastic surgery than once before. A spokesman for the University of Auckland explained that people are genuinely disillusioned as to how quickly the body can adapt it's shape. Therefore shows like, "The Biggest Loser" are proving to be extremely harmful to viewers. It is putting the idea that there is a quick win for things like weight loss and healthy dieting. The answer is simply, plastic surgery. Is this acceptable?

Complications, infections and failed procedures are rarely mentioned in the world of cosmetic surgery. This again, can disillusion viewers into thinking that cosmetic surgery is "easy". The intriguing report from the University of Auckland also showed that four out of five people who were considering cosmetic surgery were extremely influenced by reality TV shows about plastic surgery.

Data compiled by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found that In the US there has been an incredible 59% increase in plastic surgery from the year 2000 to 2008. The research also showed that the most common form of cosmetic surgery was associated with weight loss.

Whatever you make of cosmetic surgery is entirely up to you. However, the more TV reality shows we see about people loosing weight the more influenced the public will be. This in theory is a good thing but losing weight is not easy. TV reality shows put false hopes into people and make them think that weight loss is quick and simple. People get frustrated and turn to the quick wins, cosmetic surgery.

If you wanted to learn more about cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery

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