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Sunday, October 26, 2008

How to Emotionally Prepare a Loved One For Plastic Surgery

By Elisa Cruz

You're the kind of person who's always available to help a loved one in need. That time your brother defaulted on his student loan? You kept the creditors off his back by taking it over yourself. Come to think of it, he still hasn't paid you back for that.

Now you have to be the "strong shoulder" for your mother, who is planning on getting plastic surgery. She's never been to thrilled with her copious two chins, and is hoping that plastic surgery will give just one taught one, thank you very much.

You've never known your mother to be afraid, but she's extremely afraid of how she's going to look after her plastic surgery. The surgeon she's chosen is one of the best in his field, and his portfolio is filled with the happy grins of satisfied patients. So, in reality, there's very little that she has to worry about.

Plus, during her consultation, her surgeon told her that the plastic surgery would be minimally invasive, and that she will be able to return to her regular schedule in a couple of weeks at the most. He even showed her a computer rendering of how she will look once she's healed from the surgery, and she cried - yes, she was that happy. So, what can you do to assuage her fears?

It's simple, you have to remind her how much freer she'll feel once that five-pound extra chin of hers is gone. Also, you can promise her to take care of her as she's recuperating. You'd better start learning how to cook!

More information on a tummy tuck and plastic surgery doctors in your area is just a click away.

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