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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lipoabdominoplasty - 4 Things to Know

By A Aaronson

Lipoabdominoplasty is a revolutionary new plastic surgery technique that is designed to help you say goodbye to that extra belly forever. It fuses together two common plastic surgery procedures into one: liposuction and tummy tuck (abdominoplasty).

Now it is spreading across the nation like wildfire because... it actually WORKS! Here are some things that you should know about this incredible new surgical technique.

1. Lipoabdominoplasty is as Near Perfect as a Belly-Banishing Plastic Surgery Procedure Can Be.

How can they make this claim? It's easy. With a lipoabdominoplasty, the doctor uses liposuction first to get rid of the fat. This way, they can get to the tissue easier, which means more control over shape and contouring, a smaller incision, less blood (yuck!) and a shorter recovery time.

How did it take so long for these two procedures to get put together? It was pioneered in Brazil, but doctors in the USA wanted to make sure it was totally safe and effective before they started doing it.

2. Not Every Doctor Can Do It

Here's the downside: It's new and not everybody can do it. Right now the medical journals are full of articles on lipoabdominoplasty, and plastic surgeons across the country are adding it to their repertoire. Someday it will be available everywhere, but until then you may have to look a little for a surgeon who can do it.

3. Smokers? Okay! Moms? Okay!

This operation is ideal for smokers because it ensures a shorter and easier recovery time. Smokers usually have more trouble recovering from operations, but since this is a more streamlined procedure with a smaller scar, less blood and shorter recovery, it is ideal for smokers.

It's also great for moms who want to get back into shape after having their bellies stretched from carrying their precious little babies. That leftover tissue and flab is especially tough to get rid of, and this highly effective procedure is just perfect.

One warning though: Don't get a lipoabdominoplasty before you have kids. All that work will go to waist (I mean "waste") and you'll have to do it all over again.

4. Men Can Get One Too!

This operation is ideal for me. Why? Because guys have a habit of indulging in too much in beer, fried foods and sitting on couches yelling at football games. Unfortunately, yelling doesn't burn enough calories to reverse the effects of the beer and fried foods.

Men all over the country have been waiting for an operation such as this to get rid of their spare tire and make more room for more beer and fried foods. However, if you do not exercise a little and make the effort to eat right, you'll end up with the gut again, no matter how many tucks and liposuctions you get! But the tucks can give you a head start.

Actually, plastic surgery is the best option to get rid of those extra bits that never seem to go away no matter what you do. Lipoabdominoplasty is the newest and best that plastic surgery has to offer. Let it bust your belly flab and get you started on your new life as a fit, trim, sexy young thing.

Only an experienced surgeon should perform cutting-edge plastic surgery techniques such as lipoabdominoplasty. New Jersey surgeon has considerable experience in this procedure and recommends it for patients undergoing abdominoplasty. Visit for more.

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